43- Liquor & Lake House Encounters

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We made our way to one of the guest bedrooms in Penelope's parents lake house. The house was huge and so the music faded as we made our way up stairs. I hated parties in general and now that I was heartbroken I really didn't want to be at a party.

I opened the door off the room and thankfully it was unoccupied.

"Come on", I gestured to Marcellous and he followed me in.

"This place is nice", he said in awe of the room.

I took a seat on the bed and fiddled with a frame on the night stand. It was a photo of Penelope and her sister.

" Penelope's family is really rich. "

"That sounds like an interesting way to stir the conversation but I want to know about you Mia, what's up? ", Marcellous sat down on the bed next to me and I stood up.

"I messed up, I had something perfect and I messed it up. I don't know how to fix it or if I can fix at all", I said as I walked to the window,

" You're talking about a guy. "

"Not just any guy. He's different, and because of my past I ruined everything. I don't know what to do", I turned and looked at him.

" Come here. "

I made my way to the bed and sat down beside him. He smelled like cologne.

"You can't ruin anything that's meant for you, if something is yours, no matter what you do you can never mess it up" Marcellous spoke softly and his words touched my soul.

"This guy, may not be the guy for you. Maybe he was just a lesson, to show you that there's someone else out there for you. If he was the guy for you, he would have been here now, he would have been already trying to make things right with you, if he really cared. "

I began to think, maybe Jamie and I weren't end game, maybe we were wrong. Maybe we made a mistake.

"Listen Mia, you are beautiful. Any guy would be blessed to have you", Marcellous moved closer to me.

I couldn't help but smile at his words. Where did this guy come from? With his cute smile and charming words.

My thoughts made me laugh, I laughed loudly which made Marcellous look at me with a quizzical expression.

" I just thought things would be different this time, after everything I've been through ", I finally said.

" They can be, Mia. I don't know what you've been through but what I know is you don't have to go through it again. I'm here. I'm here for you",he stood up and came toward me.

Marcellous lifted my hand and intertwined it with his.

"I'm here, no matter what. I know we don't know each other that well but I know that you're different and you don't deserve to hurt. You deserve so much more. "

I deserve you, Marcellous.

I breathed out, heavily and without realising I pulled my hand away from his.

"I need something to drink, before I kill myself", I shook my head.

" I think you need a neat shot", Marcellous smiled at me.

I looked around the room and realised that there should be a bottle of alcohol hidden somewhere.

"Top left cabinet", I said looking in the direction of the cabinet.

Marcellous stood up and opened the cabinet but it was empty.

" Bottom? "

He did as I instructed and behold the glass bottle of Hennessey greeted us.

"You really know your way around this place ", he said pulling out the bottle and examining it.

" I've been here a lot", I shrugged.

I watched as Marcellous opened the bottle of liquor and took a swig.
He handed the bottle over to me and I immediately thought about how Jamie didn't like me drinking.

My head began to ache more and more. Just looking at Marcellous sitting in front of me. As much as I wanted to grab that bottle from him and drink until I forget the idea of Jamie and I ever being anything, I couldn't.

I stood up for the last time and headed for the door.

"I think I'm just going to get some water and probably get a ride home if I'm lucky", I smiled a small smile at Marcellous.

" Mia, wait. What's wrong? Did I do something? ", he followed me.

" No, I just don't feel so good", I shrugged as I made my way down stairs in a rush. I stopped for a second and looked up but Marcellous wasn't behind me anymore. He got the message.

I was now down stairs and pushing past the sweaty, drunk teens. I contemplated how I was going to go home. I knew I definitely couldn't walk because my house was quite far from Penelope's parents lake house. I was supposed to leave with Penelope but I really didn't want to be there. I rushed to the front door because I felt like I couldn't breathe, I felt someone grab my hand.

I turned to see Malachi. He looked at me confused.

"What's wrong? ", his voice was steady and I couldn't smell alcohol on him.

" Have you been drinking? ", I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

" Nope, I just got here. Why? ", he asked shrugging.

" I needed a ride home but you just got here so I'll probably just ask someone else", I said hoping he would ask to take me home anyway.

"No, no. Let's go. ",he said and his glassy brown eyes glittered in the darkness.

" You sure? "

"Don't ask me stupid questions", he rolled his eyes. "Why you leaving so early? "

"I'm tired, I've had a long day and I don't feel so good", I shook my head.

Chi examined me for a second ,he looked at me up and down scanning my body. I raised an eyebrow at him becoming vexed because I really wanted to leave before Marcellous found me.

" Chi? " I said once more to remind him that I was standing in front of him waiting for him to respond to me.

"Here is my car keys, go wait in the car for me I just want to say goodbye to someone", he said handing me his keys and looking back.

" Are you sure? I could ask someone else", I shrugged.

"No, everyone here is drunk. I'll take you home and I'll come back. You're my responsibility",he smiled.

"Thank you so much, I owe you big time", I said taking the keys from him.

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