59 - Books & Bad Dates

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Jamie's POV

"That's it for today, I'll see you students tomorrow. We still have an entire cylibus to organise",Mr Gabriel said in a sinister way.

I grabbed my backpack and headed out of the detention class. I made my way to the library as I checked the time. It was almost four and I was exhausted. Reaching the library I saw her. She held a pile of books in her hand. She was absolutely beautiful. She was art. Her hair was like effortless strokes of an artist's paintbrush that fell perfectly over her shoulders. Her face was the canvas that I wanted to paint with my lips. How could she not know the truth about her beauty? It was frustrating.

"There you are",she smiled and her smile lit up the entire hallway.

"Did you have fun in the library?",I asked teasingly.

"Yes, yes I did",she rolled her eyes at me as she held up a book and waved it in my face.

"Wuthering Heights",I squinted and read the title. "Oh no are you going to start quoting Emily Brontë",I laughed.

"Shhhh",she said as she stood up on her tippy toes and planted a kiss on my lips.

"Can I have more of that?",I asked as a small moan escaped my lips when she backed away from me.

"Well it depends",she smiled as she continued walking.

"On?", I said catching up with her.

"How you feel about going to the escape room tonight."

"An escape room?",I said thinking she had lost her sanity, if she was ever sane at all.

We made our way through the school gates and past the security guards who were still on the clock.I was happy Mia had waited in the library for me because we had planned to spend the afternoon together but now she was talking about some escape room.

"Yes, an escape room. It will be so fun. Everyone is going",she said excitedly hoping that the fact that everyone is going would convince me. I thought she knew me better, because I was now more unconvinced if that was possible.

"I thought we were going to spend the afternoon watching back to backs of WWE",I said poking her arm and putting on a fake frown.

I was looking forward to spending some alone time with her. I had finally got the house to myself. My father was in Philadelphia for the week and my mother had a late shift as per usual. Jonah was staying at Penelope's house and Jared would do his own things that did not concern me.

"We will, after. ",she held my hand.

"Promise?",I asked.

"Promise",she replied lifting up our hands. She released the grip she had on me and placed my hand on her chest. I could feel her heartbeat.

"Can you feel it?",she asked.


"Why not?"

"I think... I think you're dead",I laughed.

"Stupid",she shook her head as she laughed and pushed my hand away from her chest.

"So who is going to be at this escape room date you have arranged?",I questioned her as we began walking on the path to her house.

"Actually Yoko arranged it, because she and Chi haven't been out alone so we're going to make it a group thingy",she said holding the straps of her school bag.

"What is a Chi?", I asked confused.

"Malachi, anyway yes he's going to be there, Yoko obviously, Penelope and her date. Us and um... Sarah and Trent",Mia said mumbled the last two names and then waited as if she knew I was going to protest.

I was going to, I'll admit that but then I realised it was a perfect plan to show Trent that Mia was mine. It was also a chance to show Mia that I was mature and I didn't need to punch Trent in the face even though I really wanted to punch Trent in the face.

"Oh okay, so what time should I pick you up?",I asked her as I grabbed the bottom part of her bag strap that was blowing in the wind.

"I have to shower and stuff, wait did you say pick me up?",she raised an eyebrow as she stopped walking.

"It's not a limo though",I laughed. "I'm going to borrow my dad's ST for tonight",I said as I tugged on her bag strap and pulled her right to me.

She stood in front of me, her head reached my chest and she looked up at me. I smiled trying to take in everything that Mia Archer was but it was too much. She was too much and I was never going to be enough for her.

Mia deserved so much more than me and my mind began to drift to the fact that I was going to leave her. Jumping back and forth from Oregon to Philadelphia was difficult enough and to put Mia through not seeing me for weeks made my heart hurt. In that moment I made a decision. I was going to tell Mia that I didn't want to put her through that. For me, she shouldn't have to center her life around me and I was not going to let that happen. I needed to tell her what was going on.
I would try for her though. I wanted it to work and if it didn't I told myself that I needed to end things with Mia, for good. I couldn't let my selfish feelings get in the way of her future.

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