Chapter 16 - Fatal Threats & Flashbacks

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Jamie's POV

"How did this happen?",I questioned in shock.
"I wasn't thinking,I let it get the best of me",Adam sighed opening his locker.
"Did you have sex with her?"
"No Aria."
He was silent and that gave me the answer I needed.
Adam was my friend but there was no justification in what he did and he knew that.
I didn't want to be like everyone else and lash out at him but Penelope and I had become really close and I couldn't hide the fact that I was hurting for her.
"Listen Adam you've got to take this like a man.You messed up,own it and if you and Penelope can save this relationship I really think you guys should try but this is not on."
"I know Jamie and I want to make things right I really do",he replied closing his locker.
"Well here's your chance because here she comes",I said as I saw Penelope, Mia and some other guy enter the school gates.
I tried not to focus on the fact that Mia looked absolutely gorgeous but it was difficult when all I wanted to do was stare at her.
I watched the guy they were with wave them goodbye and I wondered just exactly who he was.
"She looks angry",I mumbled to Adam.
"But we spoke a little bit last night",he shrugged.
"Not Penelope.Mia."
"Shit.I'm screwed",he mumbled not wanting me to hear but I did anyway.
"Uh,Adam?Can I have a word?",Mia said looking at me I looked at her and realised Penelope wasn't with her anymore.
A look that made my heart skip a beat.
"Umm-okay?",Adam answered.
"I'll go check up on Penelope",I nodded and gave Mia a smile before leaving.

Mia's POV

"Mia before you say anything you should know that I never meant for any of this to happen",Adam swallowed hard.
"And you should know that I don't care."
"Mia,I love her."
"No you don't because if you did you wouldn't put her through this.Now you listen to me.
You're going to tell her that you're sorry,again.Tell her one million times if you have to and then you're going to tell her that you ruined this because part of you knew she was too good for you and you didn't deserve her-nod if you're getting me."
He nodded.
"You're going to tell her how beautiful and smart she is and that she will find someone worthy of her and you're going to tell her you're sorry that you're not that someone.
Do you understand me Adam?",I finished with a deep breath in and out.
"I understand",he managed to say.
"You are so lucky I promised her I would be nice,you see Adam I don't like her going through pain.She means so much to me and you hurt her,if you ask me I think you should be dead right now.Take this as a warning or a threat or whatever but you should know that I have a darkness inside me that no one understands and it's dangerous.
So you better stay away from Penelope Martin or I promise you I will kill you and I didn't use the word kill for dramatic effect.No,no, no I mean I will literally kill you,probably stab you repeatedly until there's no life left in your average looking body.
I swear on my mother's life."
I turned away because I felt like it wasn't me that was speaking it was someone else,something else.
I needed to leave,I rushed to the lavatory.
It was empty because it was still early.
I stood at the tap and looked in the mirror.It was like I couldn't recognise myself.
Where did all that hate come from?
I knew where it came from,it came from all the feelings I've been pushing away and ignoring after my father died.
All the hatred I had,the hatred I had for that drunken driver that collided into my father's Audi.
All the times I asked God why he took my father away from my mother and I.
All the times I prayed for that drunken driver to die.
For his family to feel what my mother and I feel.
To wake up every morning knowing that you're never going to see your father again,to know that you have no chance at making new memories with him.
No more soccer wars over who's a better Premier League team,no more spontaneous yet planned trips to the pet store to get me another gold fish,just for it to die.
No more...
No more him.
He was gone and I never really accepted it,I knew I would never be able to really accept it.
It's too hard.
God,I make everything about me.
I guess seeing Penelope in pain brought out a part of me that I marked out of bounds and now I was finally beginning to explore it.
But I didn't like the fact that I was exploring this place,maybe because it was so dark and I don't have the experience of Dora.
I sighed,that's enough.
Wiping my tears I exited the lavatory.

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