53 -Scheming & Scholarships

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Jamie's POV

I nodded at whatever Nicki was saying. I wasn't even paying attention but it seemed like she had an interesting Spring Break. I just leaned against my locker and looked at her. It felt good to be back at school. I missed it. Okay I didn't miss it,but I did miss her. I hadn't seen her in over a week and I couldn't stop thinking about her. My father had got relocated which I already knew was going to happen so we spent the week in Philadelphia. My mother said she wantsed me to finish the school year at Ashwood because I needed to start filling in college applications.Everything was going wrong, I felt so frustrated with my life but I knew that seeing Mia would change that. If I had Mia, everything would be right.My heart jumped in my chest with every second that passed. I just needed to see her face and I would be able to breathe again. I had an entire week to accept the fact that she still had some feelings for Trent, every time I thought about that I fought the urge to punch something. I needed to talk to her, to tell her that we could get through this together. As long as she loved me. That's all that mattered. In that moment I realised that we hadn't actually said that to each other. She knew I loved her though, she had to have known that. That's the reason I am the way I am, because I love Mia. I didn't want to think about the constant moving between Oregon and Philadelphia, because I'd rather move to Philadelphia forever if I didn't have Mia.

"Walker you aren't even listening are you?",Nicki's voice was suddenly louder than usual.

My eyes naturally widened and my lips curved into a small smile.

"I am",I lied with a shrug.

"Good because I said that if you keep this up you could get a soccer scholarship",Nicki said excitedly.

"Soccer scholarship?No I can't , I have to get into UC Davis

"Listen you're going to see her, you're going to talk to her and you two will be fine",she said punching me on the shoulder.

"What if I see her? What if I talk to her and we're not fine?"

"Well then bro-"

"There's a lot of girls around,Mia isn't the only girl that exists",Penelope's voice cut Nicki off as she was now standing between the both of us.

"Penelope",I said taking in her presence.

"Hi Jamie",she hugged me softly and then did the same with Nicki giving her a small wink.

"As I was saying we can just find you another girl if Mia isn't interested",she shrugged.

"What?Did Mia say she's not interested in me?",I asked in shock as well as confusion.

Did Mia not want me anymore?Did she find someone else?Is she back with Trent?I fought the urge to punch something in that moment.

"She didn't exactly say that",Penelope said as she looked down the hall casually.

"What did she say then?",Nicki asked aggressively and Penelope looked at her startled.

"She said that she's trying to get over Jamie."


My heart felt sore, physically. It was my fault I shouldn't have got so upset with her. I should have just tried to control my anger. Now she wanted to get over me.

"Penelope...",I said as I brought my hand up and covered my face.

"Don't worry, she can't possibly be over you so soon...right?",Nicki said.

"You'd be surprised at what Mia can accomplish when she puts her mind to it",Penelope smiled as she gestured down the hallway.

It was Mia. Her smile was the first thing I saw. Her hazel brown hair bounching off her shoulders. Then I noticed him. The boy she was with. He looked familiar,but I didn't care. All I cared about was punching him in the face a couple hundred times. Why was she with this guy?Was it true?Had she moved on?Was she over me?Did I miss my chance to make things right?Did I lose Mia?

"Who the fu-"

"Marcellous, he's new here. He actually lives across the street from me. They have been spending quite a lot of time together",Penelope explained.

"So what?Are they together now?",I asked getting irritated.

My eyes were still fixed on them. She was standing at her locker and he was standing next to her,talking and she was listening. She was giving him her attention.

"I don't know,she doesn't tell me anything anymore. She kept making excuses when I wanted to hang out with her."

"I hate this, I need to talk to her and find out for myself",I said because it was the only logical thing my brain could come up with on such short notice.

"No, don't make yourself seem like you care too much, because clearly she doesn't at all",Penelope said in a sad tone.

Clearly she doesn't care at all. She doesn't care at all. She doesn't care.

"I understand, thanks Penelope",I said softly as I realised Nicki had disappeared.

"We're friends, I care about you Jamie."

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