69 - Investigations & Immoral Ex Boyfriends

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I looked around in search of Sarah as I made my way down the hallway but instead found Trent talking to some girl. They were standing at an uncomfortably close distance. The girl with the strawberry blonde hair giggled and brushed her hand against Trent's arm as he leaned forward and smiled at her.

My Sherlock instincts kicked in and I moved closer to get a better look at what was transpiring. I watched as the girl gave him one last sultry smile and retreated with a walk that seemed extremely seductive from my point of view.

"Who was that girl you were talking to?", I asked as soon as Trent turned around to be on his way.

"Hello to you too, Mia",Trent said shaking his head.

"Why were you talking to that girl?",I persisted.

"Aria?", he questioned.

"Was that the girl you were talking to?Isn't she Adam's girlfriend? I guess I didn't notice cause her hair is different",I shrugged.

"She spoke to me first and I don't know who she's dating",Trent rolled his eyes.

"What were you speaking to her about?", I asked raising an eyebrow.

"The weather", he began walking toward the cafeteria.

"Trent",I said sternly.

"What? Mia, trust me you don't want to get me in a bad mood", he gave me a look.

"I just want to know",I said softly.

"You really want to know?", he cleared his throat.


"We were talking about hooking up."


"Yes, she wanted to know if I was free after school to go over to her house and hook up her grandmother's new sound system",Trent smiled.

"Sound system?"

"I'm helping my dad out with small jobs to get an allowance",Trent shrugged.

His father was an electrician and he owned a shop a few roads away from the school. He handled almost every technical difficulty anyone had. That's how I actually met Trent. My father took me down to the shop to get some lights for my room.

When we got to the shop Mr Tyler was on a call out and Trent came to our rescue. He made me so nervous that I couldn't even look at him. I barely even managed to say a full sentence in front of him. My father explained to Trent that I was redecorating my room. Trent said he had the perfect set of lights for me. I was confused since he never even saw my room to know what would be perfect for it. However I must admit that I was wrong in doubting Trent. He showed me the most elegant set of starlights and I fell in love with it instantly, just like how I fell in love with Trent.

That night he came home and helped me set up the lights since dad had to go to work. Trent Tyler was standing on a ladder in my room connecting starlights. I watched him, trying not to drool too much. He spoke to me only about the lights and my room, until I asked him if he wanted something to drink.

He agreed to have a Dr Pepper and I told him I would go get it but he stopped me and moved quickly down the ladder. Trent stood in front of me and I felt my heart beat super fast in my chest. My mouth was dry and I couldn't really breathe properly.
I moved back and almost tripped on myself but Trent grabbed my hand. He pulled me back and right into a kiss.

"Do you have all your information now?",he asked me in an annoyed expression as we walked past my locker.

"Uh- is that all she wants you to do?",I asked as I moved to my locker and opened it.

"Well if anything else is required, you know I have to come though , customer satisfaction is a priority",Trent smiled.


"I'm kidding."

"Are you really?"

"Mia I have changed and honestly I don't like you interrogating me all the time",he said as he leaned against the locker next to mine.

"I don't fully believe that you have changed."

I watched as Trent's facial expression changed. It was like I had hit a nerve. I made him upset. He smiled and nodded but in a way that suggested he was about to throw a brick at me.

"-because of Tanya?"

"Tanya?Who is Tanya?",I asked furrowing my brows.

"The girl I slept with while we were dating."

"You...you slept with her?"

"You didn't think it was just a peck on the cheek did you?",he smirked sinisterly.

"I...I hoped."

"At least you know now,Mia."

"Why did you tell me that?"

"You deserve to know",he shrugged. "-and whatever happens with Sarah and I just stay out of it. It's not your relationship to meddle in. Like you said, you and I over",Trent said as he turned to leave.

I was going to go after him but the feeling of sadness took over my body. Only there was no time to wallow in it because Jamie's voice was already echoing in my ears.

"Who was that you were talking to?"


"I didn't see Sarah",Jamie looked around.

"She wasn't with him",I shook my head and sighed.

"You were talking to him alone?",Jamie questioned.

"About Sarah",I said quickly.

Jamie laughed and it made me feel lighter. I pushed the conversation I had just engaged in with Trent out of my mind and concentrated on Jamie and his cute face in front of me.

"I'm going to ignore that",Jamie said as he leaned forward and placed a kiss on my lips. The kiss tasted like coffee.

"What was that for?",I asked in surprise.

"Does there have to a reason for a guy to show his girlfriend affection?"

"If you're the guy then yes, so spill it Walker",I said sternly.

"If you must know Ms Archer, I have good news",Jamie smiled.

"Tell me!"

"Not now,all in good time. I have practice now and during lunch. I'll come see you after detention",Jamie said and before I could respond he disappeared.

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