Chapter 36 - Fancy Dinners & Faded Memories

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"This is nice", my mother said looking at me from across the table.
I admired her.
"Yoko told me about this restaurant, her mom and dad celebrate their anniversary here", I explained as I took a napkin from the center of the table.
"Fancy, what's the occasion? "
"I wanted to remind you that you're special to me, always treat your lady", I replied with a smile.
She chuckled and it made me happy.
" I'm sorry that we don't go out much", I added with a frown.
"It's okay, It's my fault. I'm sorry,you know I love you", she said placing her hand on my hand.
" I love you too and the actual reason we're here is to celebrate the fact that uncle Marlon got a job in Toronto and he's leaving", I smiled wider.
"Mia Grace!", she exclaimed softly.
" Mia Grace ? Am I supposed to call you Aurora now? Or Mother? ", I laughed.
"Your father called you Mia Grace, he was the only one. He loved that name", she said sighing, still a smile on her face.

I tightened my grip on her hand but I didn't look at her, instead I focussed on the design of the table cloth. A teal green that compliment her eyes. I looked up at her, straight into her eyes. It scared me.
It scared me because it was as if she wasn't hurting anymore. She was remembering him in a way that didn't hurt her but a way that made her feel happy.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, order for me. ", I said standing up. She nodded as I slipped away from the table.

I made my way to the lavatory which I had trouble finding. I eventually found it and in doing so I discovered it was the fanciest bathroom I had ever seen. The sink was marble.
I neatened my hair in the mirror and reapplied my lip stick before exiting.
My phone vibrated ,it was a call from an unknown number.I headed outside to answer it, I pushed open the door to the restaurant and walked out,instantly colliding with someone. I stepped back to regain my equilibrium.
"How lucky am I? "
We were both now outside,the night air was harsh and I heard the sound of the door close behind me.
Seeing him made me nervous, it was a feeling that came from the bottom of my stomach and it made me feel like throwing up.
"So you do own clothes other than your football kit", I said sharply.
"Can't exactly wear my football kit to this place now can I?", Trent gave a half smile and shrugged at me. I examined him, he was wearing a charcoal grey pants, a white formal shirt and black dress shoes. His hair was still untidy like a wild forest as Yoko always compared it.
"You here with Walker? I heard you're moving with him now", Trent asked lifting his head upward in query.
I looked at him still trying to process the fact that he brought up Jamie.
"I'm glad you're happy", Trent added in his self pity voice. Yes, he had a specific voice for when he pitied himself.
" Oh please, I already know you and Sarah are together and don't try to deny it because she asked me if it was okay for her to be with you", I said in annoyance as I walked to the edge of the pavement, I looked across the road.
"-and what was your answer? ", his voice was low and before I could turn back to look at him I felt him next to me.
"You and I were the past, and whatever feelings I had for you are gone", I didn't look at him.
"Gone?", Trent asked touching my hand, he was beside me so I wasn't surprised.
He pulled me back, towards the wall of the restaurant, he leaned against it as I stood in front of him, I pulled my hand away from his.
" Yes, Trent. Gone", I said clearly.
"Yet we somehow keep finding our way back to each other", he replied slipping his body away from the wall and in front of me, within seconds I was up against the wall with him within very close proximity of me.
" I don't know what you're trying to do here", I said calmly because I was used to him.
"I'm trying to show you that I care Mia", Trent said lifting his hand up, he traced his fingers along my cheek and my skin burned where his touch lingered.
" You're trying to pretend like you care, just like you pretended to love me", I spat at him, moving away.
"Pretended to love you?"
"I'm tired of your game, I won't be a part of it. "
"Mia, I never... "
"I was just a toy for you, something to pass the time. "
"Mia, I never pretended", Trent was now in front of me again but this time I moved toward the wall, I needed support because I was beginning to feel nauseous. He moved closer to me but not too close because he was paying attention to our conversation.
"Tell me you loved me then, but don't lie to me, I won't hear anymore of your lies", I breathed almost in defeat. I wanted him to understand my pain, not feel it but just understand it.
He looked at me, shook his head. I watched as he closed his eyes for no longer than a moment and without a word he slammed his fist into the part of the wall inches from my head. I felt a gush of wind against the right side of my face as I flinched. I closed my eyes instinctively and I think more than a few seconds past because when I opened them again Trent was no where in sight.

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