72 - Antarctica & Announcements

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I stood at my locker and stuffed my textbooks inside. Sarah had texted me to tell me that she and Trent were going to get pizza. I figured I would give them some alone time and not third wheel but that would mean staying at school and having lunch with Penelope and Yoko. That was something I was not in the mood for.

"Hey Mia",Penelope's raspy voice echoed in my ears and when I turned to face her she flashed me on of her famous smiles.

Speak of the devil.

"What goes on?", I said as I closed my locker.

"I am starving, I want something from the vending machine before we head in",he hair bounced as she spoke.

"Sure",I nodded. "Where's Yoko?", I inquired as we made our way down the hall to the vending machines. I noticed that there were quite a few students in the hallway that were engaging in chit chat as if the school did not have an entire courtyard and cafeteria.

"She's with Mr Porter, I think they have a thing",Penelope rolled her eyes. I fake laughed realising that I was growing to loathe the person Penelope was and it amused me.

"Can we eat outside today?",I asked naturally as we stopped at the vending machine.

"What?No! Mia! You know what the cold air does to my luxurious locks",Penelope exclaimed gently touching her curls as if I had suggested we travel to Antarctica and have lunch in an iglo.

"Oh sorry, slipped my mind",I replied monotonous.

"Do you want the pink starburst?",Penelope asked.

"I'm good",I looked around wishing Jamie would come save me from the hell I was in.

"What? You love the pink starburst, it's your favourite",Penelope said with wide eyes.

"I'm trying to cut down on sugar",I replied with the first thing that came to mind.


"What do you mean?"

"You need to cut down on more than sugar if you want to lose those gigantic hips you're carting around against your body's will",she chuckled as she pressed a button.

I watched as the dry, tasteless pretzels moved forward and dropped down in the machine. Penelope bent over to retrieve them as my eyes travelled across the hallway once more, this time they found Marcellous. He was walking toward us and when he saw me, he looked away.

"Did you see that?",Penelope asked in a loud and startling voice

"See what?",I asked.

"The newly crowned Biggest Douche Bag In Oregon, Marcellous",she said in a cutting tone.

I laughed a little as I realised that meant Trent was promoted or demoted to second place, I wasn't sure how it actually worked.

"Marcellous!",Penelope yelled his name and my heart stopped. I didn't know what she was about to do.

"What's up, ladies?",Marcellous said as he came to a halt in front of us.

"Excuse me? Do you have anything to say for yourself?",Penelope questioned him in a high pitched tone that managed to get the attention of almost every student in the hallway.

"Relax, Penelope. You're making a scene",Marcellous said softly.

"Relax? You expect me to relax after you kissed Mia while you had a girlfriend?",Penelope's voice basically echoed throughout the hallway.

I looked around and saw students with wide eyes, many of them were whispering to each other and their gaze was now on me. I wanted to melt like butter and be poured into the garbage disposal.

What had Penelope done? The whole world has just found out that I kissed Marcellous. I felt an instant headache come on.

"Penelope, stop",I whispered to her.

"Stop what Mia? This boy thinks he can mess with you well not on my watch!",she screamed at him.

"Mia's a big girl, I'm sure she can speak for herself",Marcellous retorted.

"She doesn't have to because the fact is that you tried to ruin her relationship with Jamie!"

"What? That's not even true, besides Mia turned me down",Marcellous shrugged.

"You two are being really loud",I said to them in frustration. "Come with me",I said pulling them toward the courtyard.

"Mia",Penelope pulled her hand out of my grip and so I released the grip I had on Marcellous as well.

"What was that?",I asked breathing heavily as I felt an anxiety attack coming on.

"Ask Penelope over here, Miss Drama Queen",he rolled his eyes.

"Shut up! You're the wrong one",Penelope spat at him.

"The both of you! Penelope I think you should go find Yoko in the cafeteria she is probably done with Mr Porter by now",I said trying to breathe properly.

"Good idea Mia",she said as she gave Marcellous a dirty look and then left the area.

"Mia",Marcellous said.

"Give me a minute",I shook my head and brought hand to my head. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. I imagined my dad, my dad and I watching a soccer match. The thought of that made me happy, it made me forget that I was in the process of having an anxiety attack. When I opened my eyes I felt fine. Marcellous stood in front of me.

"Are you okay?"

"Right now? Yes. After meeting your girlfriend? Not so much",I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know what to tell you",he shrugged.

"You kissed me Marcellous! You wanted to date me, you said you said you had feelings for me",I shook my head.

"All of that is true."

"You have a girlfriend!"

"That is also true."

"I can't believe you",I laughed.

"It's complicated, we've been together for a while and when I met you..."

"What? You thought you could play me, have me as your side piece?",I questioned.

"Something like that, it's just who I am Mia",Marcellous admitted with no expression whatsoever.

"Do you realise what you're saying?",I asked in shock.

"People don't really change,Mia. That's a rare thing",he pointed out.

"Some people can",I shook my head.

"I don't believe that."

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