Chapter 34 - Music & Marijuana

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Mia's POV

The house loomed proudly behind iron gates and when Sarah pulled up to the entrance I was in awe. It was probably the biggest house in the whole of Ashwood. Sarah looked for a parking spot to slide in her sky blue Kia Picanto. I turned to the back seat to see if Penelope was seeing what I was seeing.
Penelope didn't even have a reaction, but then I realised she was used to seeing stuff like this.
"Is Jamie here yet? I want to congratulate him", Penelope asked when she caught me looking at her.
" I don't think so, he said he was coming with Nicky so they're probably almost here", I explained as I unbuckled my seat belt.
"Why didn't he ride with us? I mean we have plenty of space", Penelope looked at the empty seat next to her that could fit two more people and maybe one more if they pushed themselves up against the window.
" Nicky insisted he go with her", I looked out the window as I lied. For some reason Jamie refused to come with us.
"Why did Yoko have to go?",Sarah asked as she killed the engine.
"This is not her scene, and also she has a strict curfew, her parents are crazy", I said as I opened the car door.
I felt a gush of cold air hit me in the face. It had gotten colder.
The three of us got out of Sarah's car and walked toward the house.
Ivy and ferns grew through the crevices of the winding stone path,
people were already inside and I could here the sound of music.
Sarah entered first and we followed behind her.

Neon lights flashed, and people were scattered about. The music was so loud that it made my skin tingle. Beer cans and cups were all over the place. Some people were sitting on the stairs and the smell of alcohol was so evident it made me want to throw up in my hand.
Sarah greeted people as she walked through the crowds. Some of them were gathered around the pool table, some of them were eating pizza from stacks of different boxes and others we're dancing.

"Where are we going? ", I basically shouted from behind Sarah.
" To get something to drink! ", she shouted back and led us to the kitchen.
It was spacious and had everything a normal kitchen would have, except for the fact that everything looked fancier.
There wasn't many people in the kitchen, just a few girls sitting on the counter and some guys engaging in conversation.
"This party looks crazy, I want to dance", Penelope said with a mischievous smile.
I didn't feel comfortable, mostly because I had never been to a party like this before. Well I hadn't really been to a party before.
" I know where Ronaldo keeps the good stuff", Sarah said opening the cabinet and stretching her hand right to the back. She pulled out a bottle of Bourbon.
"Whiskey? Really? ", I questioned.
" Let's get this party started! ", Sarah shouted as she got three plastic cups and poured the contents of the bottle into them.
Penelope took one and handed me the other. I took it reluctantly but honestly it felt good to hold it in my hand. I felt powerful for some reason.
I took my phone out of my pocket so it didn't seem as if I didn't want to drink the alcohol. There was no messages from Jamie at all and so I rolled my eyes.

"I meant to lock that cabinet", a voice cut through my thoughts. I turned to see a short boy with way too much hair on his head. He had grey eyes and a smile that was too big for his face.
"Ronaldo! ", Sarah exclaimed and pulled him into a hug.
"Guys, this is Ronaldo. The man who made this all happen", Sarah added and gestured to the party.
" Hello ladies", he greeted.
"I'm Penelope and this is Mia", Penelope replied and I gave a small smile.
" Thanks for coming,My house is your house, mi casa es something or whatever ", Ronaldo laughed.
" Where's Leigh? ", Sarah asked but before Ronaldo could answer there was loud screams that came from the living room or wherever we came from.
The football team had arrived and everyone was cheering for them because of their victory earlier in the night. I heard many people screaming "Nicky" I also heard some chants of "Trent" But the most evident was the people screaming for "Jamie" And I got excited.
"Your man is here", Penelope looked at me.
" You coming? ", I asked her as I headed toward the doorway. She grabbed my hand and followed me as we left Sarah and Ronaldo behind.
Exiting the kitchen I walked straight into a cloud of smoke followed by a male figure invading my personal space.
"Mia? "
"Raf? "
My cousin was definitely high and I was definitely not interested in talking to him.
"What are you doing here? ", he asked as he hid whatever he was holding in his hand behind his back.
" I could ask you the same thing", I shrugged.
"I'm here with Tiki", he said with a smile.
" Okay, have fun", I said trying to push past him as I pulled Penelope with me.
"Slow your roll, is that alcohol in your cup? "
"No it's apple juice. "
He looked at me with raised eyebrows and then with a sigh he spoke.
"Don't get too drunk, I'm watching you. If you need anything I'm around", he said giving me a kiss on the cheek and walking past me without acknowledging Penelope's existence for even a second.
" Douche ", Penelope said as we found ourselves in the middle of everyone.
" Do you see Jamie? "

"Do you want to dance? ", the smell of cologne greeted me and I turned to see Eric.
"Hey Eric", Penelope greeted him.
" Did you see Jamie by any chance? ", I inquired.
" No, I think he left ", Eric shouted back at me over the blasting music.
" What? He wouldn't-", I basically whispered to myself.
"Let's dance! ", Eric said to me but I shook my head.
" I'm good thanks, dance with Penelope. She's been dying to show off her moves", I said to him.
He looked at Penelope and smirked at her.
"What do you say? Want to dance with me? ", he asked.
" Only because I really want to dance", she said with a laugh and the both of them moved onto the dance floor.

I moved to get a better view of the place. Jamie wouldn't leave without seeing me first. I held the plastic cup in my hand as I walked. I looked around the room but instead of seeing Jamie I saw Adam and Aria. They were making out on the couch. It disgusted me and I moved forward not looking where I was going. I felt my foot hit something.

"What the hell dude? "

I looked down to see a girl sitting on the floor. Her drink which I assumed used to be in her hand was now all over the floor and some of it was on her shirt too.

"I'm so - I'm so sorry", I said remorseful.
The girl picked herself up off the floor and I was prepared for her to beat me up. Without thinking I handed her my drink.

She looked at me and without hesitation she took the cup from me. She took a huge gulp and swallowed hard.
I looked at her glasses, her petite figure and the bag that hung of her shoulder.

" I'm really sorry,I should get you a tissue or something", I said not wanting her shirt to be stained.

"This is some good shit, I forgive you already", she said taking another sip.

" At least let me help you get cleaned up, I feel really bad", I insisted because I was still scared of her.

"Fine, I was going to the bathroom anyway. You're welcome to come", she shrugged and I followed her, we made our way past the people on the stairs.

" I think it's this one", she said opening the second door we saw.

She was right. There was an arrangement of framed geometric shaped mirrors on the bathroom wall and small white flower pots decorated the shelves.

She grabbed a hand towel of the rack and made her way to the basin. I watched as she opened the tap and the water gushed out melodically. She ran the towel under the water.She then began to try and scrub the stain off her shirt. I moved forward and closed the running tap.

"So what's your deal? ", she looked up at asked me.

" What do you mean? ", I shrugged.

" Where's your friends? ", she asked as she put down the hand towel.

" Around, I guess. What about you? Where's your friends?"

"Don't have any", she smiled.

" That's a lie ", I laughed.

" You calling me a liar? You don't even know me. "

I wasn't sure if I had offended her, I couldn't exactly read her.

"You're right, I don't know you. I'm Mia", I stretched out my hand to her.

She looked at me quizzically.

"I'm B", she took my hand and clenched it so my hand formed a fist. Then she fist bumped me.

" Just B? Is it short for something? ", I asked curiously.

"Yes", she said as she opened her bag and took out what looked like tobacco wrap and a blade.

"What? "

"I don't like it. "

"Just tell me. "


"I'll keep annoying you. "

"Brooklyn.My name is Brooklyn."

"I like it, it's cute", I smiled.

" Yeah, sure whatever", she said as she pulled out a small plastic packet from her pocket.

"What are you doing? ", I asked in confusion.

" Rolling a blunt ",she said casually.

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