Chapter 15- Unbreakable Bonds & Unfaithfulness

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I looked at an empty house as I came down the stairs.
It felt different, I was so used to leaving her watching Coronation Street on our couch with a kiss on her cheek.
I was still embracing the idea of my mother being back at work but I knew I would just have to deal with it.
She seemed happy and that's all that mattered.
I headed toward the fridge to get myself a soda and I thought of Jared so I took an extra one and slipped it into my bag. It was going to be warm by the time I reached school but Jared would have to understand.

I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket and so naturally I pulled it out. My most recent notification was a text from Penelope.

: Hi, Mia. I want to walk to school with you today. I'll meet you at the end of the road in five?

I wondered why she would rather walk with me then get a ride directly to school from her dad like she usually does. I didn't stress on the thought as I texted her back.

: Leaving now, I know you miss me.

My phone vibrated one last time as I zipped up my bag and headed out the door, locking it behind me.

: ofc I do, can't wait to see u.

I smiled at my phone screen and began walking down the road. The air was warm, and the sun greeted my skin with its gentle hands of light. I was caught up in the peace it brought to me and I didn't notice Penelope a few feet from me until I smelled her strong sweet scented perfume.

"How did you get her so fast? ", I asked raising my eye brow.

" Dad left me here, I begged him to", Penelope sighed.
I could tell something wasn't right with her but I wasn't sure.

"What is it Pippy? ", was all I managed to say before she threw herself at me. I embraced her and she began to cry. She cried until I could feel the moisture of her tears seep through my sleeve and feel her chest heaving because she struggled to breathe.

I thought about just letting her cry but I really wanted to know what was going on.

"Talk to me, please", I whispered to her.
Penelope took a breath and pulled away from my embrace.
Seeing her with swollen eyes and tears all over her face made me so angry.

"I'm listening ",I assured her as I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"I was at Adam's house yesterday and-"

"Did he touch you inappropriately?Must I touch him inappropriately and show him how it feels to be violated?He can meet my fist."

There was a long pause and then I heard Penelope sigh.

"He's cheating."

I cleared my throat.Trying understand what she had just said.

"And you know this how?"

"We were so fine, we were hanging out and watching movies, making out and stuff. Then he went to get me some mineral water, you know how I like mineral water", Penelope said looking at the ground, her tears fell and I looked at how it soaked through her blouse.

"Penelope,then what happened? "

"His phone vibrated, I didn't mean to look, I wasn't snooping I swear. I just wanted to check if it was important. It was a text from some Aria girl saying she wants to do stuff to him",she replied as she closed her eyes tightly.

I rubbed her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her but I was getting more and more annoyed with every passing moment. Who was Adam to break her heart?

" When he came in the room I asked him about it, I couldn't pretend that everything was okay, I just couldn't Mia."

"Deep breaths, it's okay. I'm here"

"He apologised, he never denied anything. He just kept apologising and I just kept crying. I left his house and went straight home. I wanted to call you but I just took a painkiller and fell asleep. "

"Oh Penelope, you should have called. I would have come, you know that! I would have brought pizza too", I hugged her.

"I don't know what to do Mia, I think I love him", Penelope said shaking her head.

" See, that right there proves you don't, because when you love someone you don't think, you don't doubt it. You either love them or you don't.You have strong feelings for Adam, and they won't go away easily.
I'm going to talk to him and see what's going on with him and this Aria girl. Once he explains himself if you do want to give him another chance that is entirely up to you but I want him to be a man about his actions. "

"Please don't fight with him Mia", Penelope pleaded.

" I don't fight Penelope, I correct. "

"I'm so blessed to have you", Penelope smiled at me through her glassy eyes.

" We're going to get through this together, no matter what happens you have me, always. "

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