Chapter 27- First Line & Frenemies

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Jamie's POV

I took out my chemistry book from my locker and replaced it with my English literature novel.I turned to see Nicky approaching me and she seemed to be in a really good mood.
"Someone's a morning person", I smiled.
" All's well Walker, all is well", Nicky stated, closing my locker and standing with her back against it.
"Will you ever tell me what this is about? Or am I going to keep getting vague unexplainable answers? "
"Guess who made first line", she asked smiling at me with excitement.
" Well done Nicky, I'm proud of you", I said getting happy for her achievement, she totally deserved it.
"No, no Walker. I'm proud of us", she said putting a hand on my shoulder.
"What?I made first line!", I exclaimed in shock.
" Yes, Walker. This Friday, you and I are playing first line", Nicky said proudly.
"I can't believe this"
"Why not? You earned it, seriously you're great out there. Keep it up and you and I could be head to head for quarterback by mid season", Nicky said nodding.
" Thanks Nicks, I couldn't have done it without you."
"We're bros, Walker don't thank me", she shrugged.
I had noticed Mia walking down the hallway with Marcus and another girl. They were laughing, I watched Mia throw her head back as the sound of her laugh sounded as if she had heard the most hilarious thing ever.
" Walker, did you hear what I said? ", Nicky's voice brought my attention back to her.
"Sorry Nicks my girl just walked in", I smiled.
"Where she at? You still haven't introduced me", Nicky rolled her eyes. I watched Mia as she said goodbye to Marcus and walked toward me with the blonde girl beside her.
" Here she comes", I couldn't help but smile.
"Hey", Mia greeted. I leaned forward and gave her a small kiss on her crimson lips.
"Hey", I whispered.
The blonde girl cleared her throat and I could tell I already didn't like her.
"Oh,sorry.Jamie this is Sarah.Sarah meet Jamie.", Mia said snapping back into reality.
"Hello", I nodded and she put her hand out to shake mine. I hesitated but then shook hers briefly before turning to Nicky who was waiting for an introduction as well.
" Mia, I want you to meet Nicky. The person who helped me make first line and Nicky I want you to meet Mia. My girlfriend."
"Nice to meet you, I didn't know Walker was capable of getting a girl to like him."
Mia chuckled and I gave Nicky a look that said "Thanks for killing my already dead self-esteem. "
"Well he is quite the charmer if you didn't know and first line?I knew you could do it. "
" You guys are cute, we should get together sometime you know? You two and my girlfriend and I", Nicky suggested slipping her hands into her pockets.
"That sounds great!", Mia exclaimed and I could see that she really liked Nicky.
" Perfect, well I best be on my way I'll see you later Walker", Nicky said making her exit.
"She's really nice, I like her", Mia smiled.
" Not too much I hope", I laughed and she rolled her eyes.
"Well done on making first line, I can't wait to see you play on Friday. "
"I can't wait to have you on the stands cheering me on", I replied bringing her close to me.
"You'll have the both of us, so you guys better win", Sarah piped ruining the moment.
I moved away from Mia, running my fingers through my hair. I had thought her friend had left.
" I should catch up with Nicky and get to morning practice", I said placing a kiss on Mia's cheek before leaving.

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