Chapter 32-Decaf & Dates

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The coffee shop was the only place I could go for peace since uncle Marlon  seemed to have taken up residence in my house.
I was definitely not happy about that. I hated seeing him, he just triggered something in me.If my father was alive I wouldn't have to deal with this. Marlon would have been miles away from us and we would have been together and...happy.The only thing stopping me from killing Marlon was the fact that my mother would have to grieve him and I would not want her to go through unnecessary pain.

I sat at the usual booth with a new novel I had stolen from Yoko. I hadn't seen her since Friday and it was already Sunday. The last time we spoke she gave me the book and told me she had a ton of biology notes to catch up on. It was weird because I was always playing catch up with Yoko and yet I had always come first class from the time we were in eighth grade together.
Eighth grade, such simpler times.

"Good day, what would it be? ", I looked up at the person who stood in front of me.
" Christian. "
"Mia, nice to see you again", he smiled.
" You work here? ", I asked surprised.
" What gave it away? Was it the name tag, the apron or the fact that I asked to take your order",he laughed.
"I've just never seen you before ", I shook my head.
" It's my first day,  a man's got to make a living ", he shrugged.
" Well just so you know, I give good tips", I smiled at him.
"I believe you", Christian said softly.
" How's Marcellous? ", I asked.
" He's good, he should be starting at Ashwood Secondary by next week ", Christian replied happily.
" He's gonna go to Ashwood Secondary? ", I asked without thinking.
" Yes, is something wrong? "
"No, I might see him around. I go there too", I explained.
Christian looked around and then when he realised the coast was clear he sat down beside me. He leaned in close to me.
" You and Marcellous have a connection don't you?",Christian asked seriously, as if he knew something.
"What? I only met you two a couple days ago and besides I -"
Christian cut me off.
"Sorry if I offended you, but it's the vibe I caught from you guys but anyway I actually wanted your help with something nothing to Marcellous though", he cleared his throat.
I raised my eyebrows.
" Penelope is really something else", Christian said.
"What? "
"I like her, I like the way she carries herself. I like the person she is. Of course I don't know her that well, but I want to get to know her. Only she doesn't give me the time of day", he shrugged as if he had no hope.
" She's perfect isn't she? But as for her being uninterested, that's the way she is. "
"That's why I need your help. "
"How? What could I do? ", I asked almost laughing.
" You guys are close, talk to her for me", Christian said as if it were so obvious.
I took a breath.

"Listen Christian, Penelope has been through a lot, and I wouldn't want her to go through that again. I met you a few days ago. I know nothing about you. I'd rather commit suicide before convincing my best friend to even look at you twice."

"I understand that Mia, you're a girl of morals and if I've learned anything about you it's that actions definitely speak louder than words, so I want you to get to know me, and Penelope to do so as well and if you feel I am worthy to ask Penelope out on a date then you can give me the go ahead and if not then well I'd be heartbroken but indeed I will move on. Hopefully. "

"Let's get one thing straight Christian, you'll never be worthy of her but since you were actually decent enough to ask me for help, I'll see what I can do. You better be legit", I warned him.

Christians eyes lit up with excitement and he almost hugged me, but didn't.
I smiled at him, he amused me.

" Thank you for time Mia", he said standing up.


"Yes ma'am? "

"Decaf, three sugars please, extra milk. "

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