45 - Interesting Offers & Instagram Accounts

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I switched the television on and prepared to binge watch The Vampire Diaries for the millionth time. It was eight in the morning and mom was still doing something in the kitchen knowing she was late for work. I slumped down on the couch with my blanket wrapped around me.

"Mia, did you wake up just to watch that satanic show? ", My mother's voice entered the room before she did.

I turned toward the kitchen door and she appeared. She was absolutely stunning. Her hair was luscious and shining and her face glowed. I had always known my mother to be so beautiful so it was nothing new.

" It's not satanic, it's Stefan", I said with  a wide smile.

"What was that man's name? The one at Clare's party? The tall old looking one", she said in thought as she walked toward the couch.

" Stanley? The guy with the checkered suit? " , I offered her an answer.

"Yes, yes. He was a friend of your father's. He works at Oregon Gardens, and he said that they take volunteers.He offered you a chance to go spend some time there", mom said with a smile on her face.

" Oregon Gardens? The retirement home a few miles from school? ", I asked confused.

" Yes, I was thinking maybe you could go help out there because it's Tuesday already and you have a few days left of Spring Break", she said shrugging,

"I have five days left of my break, do you not think I have constructive ways to spend it? ", I raised an eyebrow.

" Do you? ", she asked smirking.

" No. "

"I know you like things like this, go have fun. Make some friends", she laughed and in doing so she hugged me.
I reached my arms out to hug her tightly.

"I'd prefer being friends with the older crowd than the disgusting generation I am considered to be part of."

"You're different darling, remember that."

"I'm different because you're different."

"Be safe today, oh and I meant to ask how Jamie is, I haven't seen him around. "

I stopped for a second but then recovered from my blankness.

"He's okay, he's with his family in Philadelphia. I really miss him", I smiled.

" I know darling, send him my best and when he comes back tell him to join us for dinner. Love you", she said as she made her way out the front door.

I thought about Oregon Gardens and how cool it would be to actually volunteer there. To be around those people and to get to know them. I didn't even get to speak to Mr Stanley because the entire night I was hiding from Leo.


Oh my God.

Thoughts of Leo engulfed me. His smile, the way he spoke. Thoughts of him and his coffee eyes. Thoughts of him shirtless. Thoughts of him touching me.So many thoughts.

What are you doing Mia?

I shook myself out of my dream like state and tried to push all my devilish thoughts out of my head but for some reason it was harder. It was like Leo was permanently stuck in my head.
I searched the couch for my cell phone and in finding it I unlocked it. I went into Instagram and typed in "Leonardo Garcia" and within a second I found Leo's Instagram account.

He had a few posts, not that many followers and it looked like he wasn't very active. I scrolled down his page and found a few pictures of him, I tried not to drool too much. I scrolled further down his timeline and that's when I saw it. A picture of him and a girl. His girlfriend. It was a photo of him holding her at the waist and they faced each other with broad smiles on their faces.
The caption said "My light in the dark. "

I wanted to die, I was so upset by the photo for some reason. I wasn't sure if it was because I liked Leo or because of the way he was with me even though he had a girlfriend.

I was irritated, with everything. With Jamie, with school, with my mother for being sad that Marlon left. I was irritated with Malachi for not telling me which girl he likes,with Elena breaking for Stefan's heart.

I was irritated with Clare for liking Leo and I was irritated with Leo for having a girlfriend.

I still loved Jamie though, I loved him so much. I just had a crush on Leo. A small crush that was going to go away. It was going to go away because I wasn't going to tell anyone about it. That way it couldn't grow. It couldn't manifest into something bigger than it actually is.

I loved Jamie, and I was going to fight for Jamie.
Leo could have that ugly girl.

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