Chapter 35 - Convictions & Confessions

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"No I don't want to dance", I rolled my eyes at Nicky who was pulling me into the crowd of sweaty, drunk teenagers. I could think of about five hundred places I would have rather been but because Mia wanted me at some random guy's party,I was indeed at some random guy's party. The house was huge, but it didn't excite me. Things of material didn't really excite me. I thought about how I would face my father when I got home and what I would say when he asked me where I had been, but that thought faded from my mind when I realised Adam was talking to me.
The boy who looked more like a man for some reason was in my face. He screamed so loud that I could feel the vibration of his voice in my lungs, although that may have been the electric dance music that was blaring through the entire premises.

"Well done boy, you're the star of the team! "

It didn't take much for me to realise that Adam was far from sober. I smiled at him and slapped him on the back.

"Thanks to you, you got me the spot", I said to him as I made my way away from a curly haired girl dancing toward me.

" No man it was all you", Adam slurred at me as his eyes travelled around the room. I followed his gaze as it fell on Penelope who was dancing with Eric.

Their bodies were entwined and she had her arms around his neck while his hands rested on her hips.

"Are they a thing?", Adam asked me in a tone that seemed as if he cared but I couldn't quite tell because of the alcohol aroma that emanated off him.

" You're honestly asking the wrong person, but you know I'm happy that Penelope is moving on", I said honestly.

"Same here", Adam mumbled with a nod. I felt his regret because it was almost as if he wanted me to feel it. I didn't feel any compassion toward him though, he made a mistake and now like any other human he had to deal with the consequences.

" You should get yourself sobered up, and you're definitely not driving tonight", I shook my head.

"It's okay, I'll take him home", Aria's sultry voice cut through the air as she moved toward Adam and grabbed his arm.

Aria and I hadn't spoken since she said those things about Mia and then slept with Adam, more then once I think. Now just looking at her face was repulsive.

"And who's taking you home?", I asked raising an eyebrow at the girl in the mini skirt that revealed more skin than it covered up.

" You, hopefully", Aria gave me a smirk.

"You know what they say about hope, it breeds eternal misery. "

"Jamie? Did I do something?Are you angry with me? ", Aria inquired pretending to be clueless.

"I'm going to find my girlfriend", I said walking away

"I think I saw her smoking a joint in the bathroom. "

I made my way outside,Aria would say anything for attention and it annoyed me.I needed fresh air.

I found myself standing on the stoney path that led to the front gate,there was a bench a few steps away from where I stood. I could still hear the music. I pulled out my cell phone from my back pocket, to find three messages from Mia. I dialled her number and thought I was hearing things when the sound of her ringtone filled my ears.

"I looked everywhere for you. "

Mia was coming toward me with a smile that lit up the darkness which surrounded us. Just seeing her made me want to wrap my arms around her.

"I couldn't find you either", I shrugged.

" You were great tonight, they won because of you", Mia said proudly as she came closer to me.

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