Chapter 18 - Supercars & Sleepovers

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Jamie's POV

It was just too frustrating,she confused me and I wasn't used to being confused but what I knew was that I had never felt the way she made me frel.
I liked feeling that way, I liked feeling happy.
I wasn't going to stop trying to make her mine because in my head she was already mine and the thought of her being anyone else's made me want to do unspeakable things.I made my way home a little sad but also hopeful because I knew the way Mia felt about me or at least I thought I knew.
I entered the house hazy and I stopped when I heard my parents arguing in the kitchen.
"Grayson you don't understand, it's hard for the boys to adjust to a new environment whenever you get relocated", I heard my mother say in a raspy voice and I heard a clatter.

I stood against the wall outside the kitchen because I knew if I attempted to take a peak inside they would see me and this was definitely no episode of some soap opera where I would be able to gather information without getting into a massive amount of trouble.

"Nerissa, it's not like I can do anything about my location. The clientele is better out in Philadelphia which means more money", my father replied.

"We are stable, Grayson."

"I want the best for our family and that means that I have to make decisions that may not be in everyone's best interest at the time being. "

I sighed loudly and prepared to enter the kitchen.

"Afternoon", I nodded at them.

"Hi, son how was school?", my mother smiled at me as if nothing happened.
"Productive", I breathed.
" Soccer practice? ", my father inquired looking directly at me.
" We didn't start practice yet, season officially starts in a few weeks, sir. "
"Let me know, I'll see if I can make it to come check it out.", he said turning to leave the kitchen.
"To criticize me", I murmured.
"Excuse me, boy? ", he turned and gave me a lethal look.
I stayed silent and he left the room.
"Where's your brother? He's supposed to go fetch Jonah from Peter's house", my mother opened the fridge and took out a few ingredients, one of them being mushrooms and I thought of when Mia told me how much she loved mushrooms.
"Jared had to finish up some assessment at school, they didn't give them sufficient time so he said he wants to get it done now, I was going to wait for him but -I just didn't want to. ", I shrugged.
"Would you fetch Jonah? I have to get dinner going, your father wants a home cooked meal and I can't disappoint."
"Sure", I gave her a small smile.
"The Martins live about two roads away, 13 Rose Lane. I'm sure you'll find the house. "
"Jared was going to walk two roads?, I questioned raising an eyebrow.
" Yes, I didn't want to ask Mrs Andrews to drop him off because the other time they did after his sleep over with Peter."
"Okay", I sighed and turned to leave.
"Jamie! ", I heard my mother call when I was almost out the front door.
" Yes? ", I put my head through kitchen doorway.
" Maybe you should take the car? ", she asked.
" Are you serious? ", I asked in shock because I wasn't allowed to drive, although I had my license for over a year my father told me that if I wanted to drive I would have to buy my own car. He said and I quote:
" Walker Men Don't Rely On Their Parents Or Handouts. "
So far I had about two thousand dollars saved up, and I needed about three thousand more in order to get that used Audi I've had my eye on since I was fourteen.
" It's two roads and you've had a long day at school, you haven't even eaten and I don't want the Martin's to think we don't have the means to get by",she shrugged.
"You want to show them we have a nice car? ", I chuckled.
" Do you want to take the car or not? ", she smiled.
"... And dad? "
"He'll understand", she assured me and turned to the key rack. She grabbed the key to the Ford ST and handed it to me.
I took it from her and I was out the door after giving her a small peck on the cheek.

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