56- Unknown Numbers & Uneasy Feelings

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Mia's POV

I closed the fridge with my elbow and moved slowly to toward the living room. The last thing I wanted to do was drop the two glasses filled to the brim with soda and the bowl of chips I held very awkwardly in my hands. The living room table looked like heaven to me when I made my way through the doorway.

"Mia, you could have said you needed help",Sarah laughed as she jumped of the couch and aided me by taking a glass and the the bowl of chips.

"Thanks",I sighed as I placed the other glass on the table and sat down on the couch.

I smiled as I watched Sarah slurp the excess soda that was now overflowing from the glass.

"So are you going to tell me now?",Sarah inquired as she looked at me.

"Tell you what?",I shrugged as I moved forward to get the television remote.

"Mia!",Sarah gave me an annoyed look which made me laugh.

She couldn't be annoyed with me and I found that out when I told her about my anxiety and filled her in about everything that happened with Jamie.She was upset that I didn't tell her but her anger lasted for three seconds because I said something to make her laugh.Take note that the key to a girl's heart is to make her laugh.

"We kissed",I said as I let out a breath.

"What?You kept that from me the entire day?Mia!How could you not tell me?How was it?",Sarah went on a rant as usual.

"I was trying to process the fact that it happened."

"I asked how it was",Sarah rolled her eyes.

"You talk talk so much",I rolled my eyes back at her as I took handful of chips from the bowl.

"Mia!Tell me",Sarah whined.

"It was...euphoric",I said as my mind wandered to thoughts of Jamie.

"So are you guys back together?",she asked after she squealed in excitement.

"I don't know, he said we'll talk. He's coming here later",I smiled.

"Why didn't he talk to you during lunch again?",she questioned as she took a gulp of soda.

"He had practice, it was the first day give him a break",I shrugged.

"He needs to make his 'I want you back' speech epic or I will be very annoyed",Sarah rolled her eyes.

"I don't even know if we're going to get back together,he just kissed me",I shrugged feeling weird about the entire situation.

"You don't just go around kissing your ex girlfriend so trust me on this one",Sarah said as she grabbed the remote from the coffee table.

"Jamie is different,he's so hard to read",I shook my head.

"Then get a guy that you can read",Sarah said as she pressed play on the movie we were about to watch.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and Sarah gave me a look because we were supposed to be watching the movie without any distractions.

I slowly slipped my phone out of my pocket and checked the notifications. I had received a text message from an unknown number. In haste and curiosity I opened the message.

Unknown : Hey Princessa :)

My heart practically jumped out of my chest and into the bowl of chips on the table in front of me.It couldn't be. I secretly hoped it was, even though I knew I shouldn't.I took a deep breath and looked at Sarah. Her eyes were focused on the television and her mouth was occupied with the job of chewing. I typed and erased the message twice before I hit send.

Mia: Hi, who is this?

I saw that the person was typing instantly and became nervous.

Unknown: I saved your life and your cellphone. Leo Garcia. Leonardo if you want to be professional :P

Oh my!

My entire body was on fire when I read that. It was him. My mind drifted to thoughts of Leo. His eyes. The dark,strong coffee. The mischievous allure he had to him.

"What is with you?",Sarah's voice brought me back to the moment.

"Nothing",I said quickly putting my phone down on the couch.

"That doesn't seem like nothing",she said as she took my phone. There was no fighting her so I just let her have her way. I watched her look at the screen and her facial expression changed completely.

"Mia! Is this "oh I'm falling for you" boy? Oh my! How did he get your number? Leo Garcia. Oh Leo",Sarah said in one breath with an excited tone.

"I have no idea how he got my number and he really shouldn't have it cause you know Clare likes him",I shrugged.

"Well clearly he doesn't like her",Sarah laughed.

"You're so mean",I laughed along with her.

"We have to reply to him",she said as she unlocked my phone and began typing. I watched her closely to make sure she didn't say anything I wouldn't say.Before Sarah could hit send my phone started to vibrate in her hands and the sound of my ringtone filled the air. Clare's name flashed on my screen and I felt my stomach turn. A wave of guilt slapped me in the face like I had done something despicable.

"Answer",Sarah gave me a look.

I took a deep breath as I accepted her call before putting the phone to my ear.

"What's up?", I said in the most normal way I could have.

"Hey Mia, how are you?",Clare asked sweetly.

"I'm good and how are you?",I replied looking at Sarah who was looking at me eagerly.

"Actually I called because Leo asked me for your number. So I gave to him, I hope you don't mind"

"Why would you give him my number?"

"He asked for it and I couldn't exactly say no. As far as he knows there's no reason for me not to",she explained.


"I'm sorry, please just be nice to him for me. Also maybe put in a word there",she laughed.

"Fine, just for you. Doesn't he have a girlfriend though?",I asked and patiently waited for her reply.

"They're on and off I think, and right now they're off so try and talk me up a bit",she chuckled and I could feel her smile.

"Of course boss, anything for you",I said as I ended the call with a sigh.

"Well you're the worst cousin ever",Sarah laughed.

"I did nothing",I said in defense.

"Sure, if crushing on your cousin's crush is nothing then you definitely did nothing."

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