52 - Popcorn and Photoshoots

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I stared out the window and focused on the music playing on the radio. I think it was some trap song. It made me think of Bryson Tiller. He was known as the Trap King. His music was always about relationships and break ups but his lyrics made it seem like he knew how to treat a girl. Sometimes I wished I was a guy so I can find a girl and treat her properly, just like love her wild. I don't know but I felt like being a guy would be easier.


I turned to my mother who was no longer looking at the road but instead at me.

"Are you okay baby?",she asked with a smile.

"Yes, I'm just thinking about school",I lied.

"Should I be worried about the upcoming parent- teacher meeting?",she asked as she turned into the parking lot of the cinema.

Kill me now! I totally forgot about that!

"I'm just playing, you always get good reviews so I'm not worried",she laughed.

She was wrong. I messed up in the first semester. I was more occupied with other things. I was more occupied with Jamie.

Stop! Stop thinking about it. You're going to give yourself a heart attack.

I pushed the idea of overthinking out of my head and smiled at my mother.

"You sure you want to go? I can make an excuse for you",she asked me as she parked the car.

I smiled, she was so amazing.

"Thanks mom, but I'll be fine. I'll let you know what time to fetch me okay?"

"Yes honey, be safe. I love you",she said as she watched me get out of the car.

"I love you too",I said closing the door and I realised something.

I never told Jamie I loved him. I did love him. I told him I was in love with him but I never told him that I loved him. We never said it to each other.

"Mia!",Sarah was already hugging me."I waved to your mom."

"Hey",I said hugging her back and when I did I saw Trent standing behind her.

"Hey Mia",he smiled at me.

"Hi",I smiled in a polite way and instead of thinking about how handsome he looked I just turned and smiled back at Sarah.

"So what are we watching?",Sarah questioned as we walked up to the entrance.

"I thought we're watching the horror movie",Trent shrugged.

"You know I hate scary movies",I rolled my eyes and then I felt weird for saying the words "you know" but then Trent started to laugh.

"Babe, Mia watching a scary movie is the funniest thing",he said and continued to laugh.

"Seriously?",Sarah began to smile.

"Once we watched some movie about an axe murderer and she was basically under the couch and screaming",Trent said barely breathing.

"Oh no. Mia! I can imagine that",Sarah said laughing.

"Like I said, I dont like scary movies. Did Trent tell you how he watched every scene of the movie and then was up all night cause he couldn't sleep",I held back a chuckle as I looked at him.

"Hey!I heard noises okay",he rolled his eyes and Sarah and I added to each other's laughter.

"Yeah, I'm sure it was Beerus",I rolled my eyes.

"It probably was cause I'm a super saiyan",he fought back with a pout.

"Beerus?",Sarah questioned in confusion.

"Dragon Ball Z, babe",Trent gave her a look.

"So basically your boyfriend thinks he is Goku",I fake coughed.

"I am,and in Dragon Ball Z ,after Goku defeated Frieza, Beerus came to fight him",he explained to Sarah.

"Oh",Sarah said still sounding confused but she smiled.

"You know,hanging out with you guys is fun",I shrugged.

"I agree,but we still haven't decided what we're watching",Sarah pointed out.

"We can watch the scary movie, I'll just keep my screams of terror to myself",I said with a smile.

"You can sit in the middle of us and we'll protect you",Sarah suggested.

"Of course and you two can make love through me",I joked and the sound of laughter filled the air once more.

"Get a large popcorn babe, I'm starving",Trent said to Sarah and she nodded.

"Get some chocolate too",I said and Trent looked at me.

"Chocolate and popcorn?",he asked with a smile.

"The best combination",I said in an obvious way.

"The best mix of sweet and salty",Trent replied.

"Okay you two weirdos, I'll get your chocolate and popcorn",Sarah shook her head at us.

"Hey guys can I ask y'all to do something for me?",I inquired and they looked at me confused.

"What you need ma?",Sarah asked stopping before we entered the concession area.

"Stand here",I said and I moved them into a position where they stood next to each other.

I took out my phone and went to the camera app.

"Say 'Mia is amazing' ",I smiled.

"Really? A photoshoot Mia",Sarah sighed.

"You two are cute now shut up and smile",I replied and then clicked on the camera icon, which captured the moment.

I watched as she intertwined her hand in his.They made a cute couple. I liked seeing them together. She made him happy, I could see that. Sarah was quickly becoming someone that I cared about a lot. So if Trent made her happy, then I accepted that. Even though I was laughing and joking with Trent I didn't forget about his tendencies, I was going to look out for Sarah. The last thing I wanted was for her to get hurt. She was too precious to be hurt.She was precious to me. I wasn't going to let anything happen to her.

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