Chapter 30 -Peonies & Pretty People

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I stood outside Penelope's house inhaling the humid,summer air.
She had insisted I come inside but I knew Nana Piper would want to feed me and I needed to get home as soon as I could. I didn't have much time to work on my English assignment which I had forgot actually existed. There was no one on the block at all and so I walked along the side walk just thinking. My mind drifted to thoughts of Jamie Walker. My boyriend.
The way he touched me, the way he kissed me, the way he made me feel. Was it even real? Could someone make you feel this way?It was indescribable and even if there was a way it could be described no one would ever be able to comprehend the description. Part of me was still holding on to the past, holding on to Trent and what we had, what he destroyed but the rest of me which was a greater part was completely smitten over Jamie.
Who would have thought that Jamie Walker could have this power over me? The power to make all my pain go away.
To completely and entirely heal me and all I had to do was let him. Only I wasn't ready to let him completely take over me, it was going to take time.I realised I was okay with that.

I found myself admiring the peonies on the outskirts of Penelope's yard. Peonies were peaceful and I figured if I didn't have peace, Penelope sure deserved it and that's why I recommended it. Mr Martin always thanked me for that and I still always thought he was a show off because he was too well off living on Gramps' money.
I caught site of a tiny peony at the end of a shrub. I examined the petals of the uniquely formed and delicate looking flower, it was truly a masterpiece.

"I always find myself looking at it too", a males voice broke my golden silence.
I turned, startled to see a boy.
He was in close proximity to me, so close that when I turned I found his chest in my face. His hair was like rays of the sun laid upon it and his facial expression was soft. He wore a simple blue jeans and a black fitted T-shirt which outlined his body. I looked up and met his gaze, and I was shocked because he had grey eyes.

"I don't know what they are, do you?", he spoke again. His breath in my face. Mint.
" Huh?, I stepped back almost stumbling.
"The flowers, do you know what they are?"
"Really? Who would have thought. ", he smirked.
I took a breath, regaining my equilibrium. I wasn't used to meeting good looking strangers with minty breath everyday.
"It's quite easy to tell, Peonies have specific petal types, you see this? This gives it away", I said poking at a petal so he would understand.
"Wow, that's amazing", he breathed.
"It's really not", I shrugged.
"Are you a florist or something? ",he raised an eyebrow.
" I'm pretty sure you mean botanist ", I corrected him with a smile.
" Are you smiling because I made you smile or because you enjoyed correcting me that much?"
"The latter. "
"I'm Marcellous, I moved in across the road", he said pointed across the street
" Mia, I'm a friend of your neighbor Penelope", I said putting my hand out for him to shake.
He put his hand out but before he could reach my hand an older looking guy interrupted our encounter.
"Marcell, your mother asked if you're going to the store. She needs some painkillers ", the guy said not even acknowledging my presence.
"Sure, not now though. I have to meet uh-a friend", Marcellous replied to the guy but kept his eyes on me.
"Who's your friend here? ", the guy asked Marcellous as if I wasn't there the entire time.
" This is Mia, a friend of Penelope's", he said as if he didn't want to tell the guy who I was.
"Nice to meet you Mia, I'm Christian",the guy said with a smile that deserved an award.
" How's the neighborhood so far?", I asked feeling like awkward silence was about to fill the air.
"Not bad, definitely better than Michigan", Christian answered and Marcellous agreed.
" Are you two brothers? ", I asked confused.
"Not blood but that doesn't mean anything", Christian shrugged at me.
" Hey, I really should get going. I'll see you around Mia", Marcellous gave me a smile and patted Christian on the back.
"Don't be home too late!", Christian screamed as Marcellous walked away from us.
Just then I heard Penelope's door open and then close, she walked toward Christian and I with an envelope in her hand.
"Argh, I ran out here because I saw Marcell from the window", she whispered to me as she neared me.
" Hi Penelope", Christian greeted her and she gave a small, uninterested smile.
"Here you go Mia, you're an angel", Penelope said handing me the envelope and hugging me.
" I know", I replied. "I'll see you tomorrow Pippy, and hope to see you around too Christian", I added walking off.

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