Chapter 6-Breezy & Burglars

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Mia's Pov.

I reached home in a few minutes and opened the door and no surprise there she was.Slumped on the couch watching Coronation Street as usual.
"Hey honey",she greeted me.
I sat down next to her and snuggled up against her.
"Did I call at the right time?",she laughed.
"I'm so tired of lying for you Mia",she rolled her eyes.
"But I love you",I smiled widely.
"Shhh the ad is over",she said pointing at the television.
I gave her a sour look and tried to move away but she pulled me closer.
"I love you more than you could ever imagine my little pumpkin",
I smiled at her.
"I'm going to bed."
"It's six",Mom shrugged.
"I know",I said as I leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead.
I made my way up to my bedroom to shower,listen to depressing music,think about Trent and cry.
I closed the window before turning on the shower because for some reason I still felt cold.Steam filled the bathroom and I sighed,taking off my clothes.I placed my phone on the sink after looking for a Chris Brown song in my library and turning up the volume to its limit.
The hot water engulfed me and I felt serene,so serene that I found myself falling asleep.
I was more tired than I thought.I turned the water off and wrapped myself in a towel.
I heard a voice and so I reached for my phone to stop the song.
Apologies to Breezy.
I listened closely and then I heard it again.A male voice from downstairs and it couldn't have been Coronation street because it wasn't a British accent.
I secured my towel around my body and exited the bathroom.
What if mom was hurt?I didn't care that I probably had a better chance of being molested.
I needed to save my mother.
I had the numbers 911 flashing on my phone screen,I just needed to press that green telephone icon.
I stood behind my bedroom door which was halfway opened.
My phone in one hand and my crafting scissors that was laying on the night stand in the other.
I heard footsteps and the person entered my room,with one swift motion I closed the door.
"I watch wrestling!",I yelled.
Which was so stupid.
He turned,looked at me and threw his head back in laughter.I stared at him as he sat down on my bed and clutched his hand to his chest and with the other he held a large pizza box.
His laugh was straight up the most annoying sound I had ever heard.
"Mia you kill me",Jamie whispered.
"Yeah I almost did",I said pretending not to be embarrassed as I placed the scissors back down on my night stand.
"I know wrestling",he shook his head.
"Shut up!Why are you here anyway?",I demanded in question.
"I just came to drop off some pizza for you because you left without eating and I wanted to see if your mom was okay... it turns out she's more than okay",Jamie cleared his throat.
"You better not tell anyone okay Walker?"
"Are you threatening me Khalifa?",he asked as he placed the pizza box down on my bed.
"It's hard to concentrate when all you have is a towel around you",Jamie smiled.
"Cover your eyes!",I shouted but it came out as a whisper.
He laughed and turned around moving his hands over his eyes.
I went into the bathroom and changed just to be safe.
"Are you done?"
"Better question,why are you still here?",I asked pulling my t-shirt over my head and exiting the bathroom.
"You need to eat."
I ran the hairbrush through my hair for no reason at all...actually just because he was there.
"I'm not hungry but thanks for caring",I smiled as he turned around.
"No.You will eat",he said sternly.
"Are you kidding me?"
"Fine,fine then will you leave?"
"Why are you chasing me?"
"I'm just thinking that your parents are probably wondering where you are",I shrugged.
"They don't really care anyway as long as Jared gets home safe",he smiled a sad smile.
"Well I care that's why I don't want you walking on the road late at night,who knows what's out there",I shook my head.
"I don't have to find out if you eat, so I can leave."
"Penelope insisted you come?",I asked.
"Someone was coming anyway,I just made sure it was me."
I sighed and opened the box.I looked up at Jamie who stared at me.
"I can't eat this."
"Mia...",Jamie stood up as if he was going to scold me.
"I can't.Not I won't",I stated.
"I'm a vegan."
"What?I'm so sorry,no one told me.They must have forgot.Should I go back to the restaurant?",he asked ready to sprint out the door.
"Calm your farm...I have a plan",I smiled.
He raised an eyebrow in question.
"You can eat all the chicken off the pizza for me."
"Genius,I like the way you think",Jamie smiled and nodded as he started picking out the little pieces of chicken from the pizza.
I worked around him,which made me realise just how hungry I was.
"So how come you're a vegan?',Jamie asked with his mouth full.
"My dad has always been a vegan and ever since he died a couple months ago I just stopped eating all that stuff,it hasn't been that long but it's going well",I shrugged.
"I'm sorry about your dad",Jamie let out a breath.
"Thank you."
"This is where I say something sweet and cute right?",I smiled as I swallowed my food.
"Something like...?",Jamie inquired.
"For being a part of my life."
"I've only been in your life for a couple days."
"And these couple of days have been great",I shrugged.
He smiled at me,a genuine smile that made me feel so damn special.
"Um,well",I said standing up before things got too awkward.
"Yeah,Uh-I'll see you tomorrow",Jamie said standing up as well.
"I guess you will",I nodded.
And with that he left the room,I peered out my room door.Jamie walked down the stairs,waved at my mother and exited.
I sighed and retreated back to my bed.
Time to wallow in my sorrows.

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