Chapter 33

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"I will take him back," Zach offered, finally letting me out of his hold. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back to me. He was much stronger than me and could've easily pulled away but he didn't. Instead, he wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head.

His hands ran up and down my back, while he rubbed circles into my skin with his fingers. He pressed his lips against the top of my head and rested his head there for a while. "You're ok," he whispered, pulling away.

I felt cold and unsafe once he moved away from me. I had never needed anyone before to make me feel safe, I was strong enough to fight off everyone and everything that attacked me but now I felt weak without Zach. He made me feel stronger and safer than I could ever have imagined.

He scooped up Joe's body in his arms and we all started walking back to the village. Ryder wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his embrace. I smiled and held onto him for a few seconds before we continued walking.

I unlocked my front door, all my friends still at my side. I pushed in and heard my dad rattling around in the kitchen. "Dad," I called, panic and sadness in my tone. He obviously picked up on it as less than a second later he was bundling down the hall.

"What happened?" He asked, glaring at Joes lifeless body. I was unsure as to whether he was dead or unconscious really, not that I cared because he was as good as dead after we told my dad.

"He came after us into the woods and told us you sent him to take Ella somewhere safe," Zach said, dropping Joe from a height onto the floor carelessly. I winced at the thud that came when the body made contact with the floor. "Said the pack was attacking now and then when we went to follow him he told us you said just Ella and that the rest of us had to wait in the woods. Seemed a bit off to us."

"I never said such things," my father protested and Zach nodded.

"We figured since he was desperate to take Ella alone and I told him that I had orders to stay with her. Then Ella realised that she couldn't hear fighting from the village so we figured he made it all up. Turns out he was part of the enemy pack and was sent to keep an eye on Ella until they were ready for her. He was trying to get her away from any protection so it was easier for their Alpha to come and get her," he finished and my dad snarled at Joe's body.

"Are you ok?" He turned to me and I nodded. He quickly turned back to Zach and smiled "Thank you for staying with her and protecting her." I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows. He never thanked anyone.

Zach simply nodded and smiled back. "Are you all ok?" My dad asked my friends and they all nodded.

"He didn't stand a chance." Ryder laughed.

"I don't know if he is dead or unconscious. He lunged at Ella and I threw him at the rocks," Zach muttered with a shrug.

"I'll call some to take him to the cells," my dad muttered, still holding me against him.

"I'm going to bed," I told him with a sigh. "Night." I turned to make my way upstairs when I was halted but a cough. I turned to see them all staring.

"Are you sure you are ok?" My dad asked again.

"I'm fine," I lied. I was sick of having every day and night ruined by this pack. I was sick of the attacks and the messages and the threats. I was sick of the warnings and the phone calls and tricks. I hated Joe for turning against his pack. Things were so much simpler a month ago. Before Zach arrived, before this whole pack thing started.

"Ella, I know you're scared-," my dad started but I cut him off.

"I'm not scared dad. I'm pissed," I lied. I was scared. But I was also angry. "I am sick of the stupid games they are playing. I just wanted one night with my friends, but they ruined it. Again," I yelled storming off up the stairs.

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