Chapter One

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Chandler's at dinner one night when he mentions Kurt. He hadn't told his family he had a boyfriend yet.

"Hm? Who's this Kurt?" His father asks.

Chandler smiles. "Well, he's actually my boyfriend. I've been meaning to tell you."

His mother smiles. "Good for you, Chandler! Can we meet him?"

"Yeah, I'm sure he'd love to meet you. It's a bit early though, we haven't been dating long." Chandler answered happily.

That night, when Chandler was asleep, his father quietly crept into his room. He picked up the boy's phone, going into the boy's contacts to find this 'Kurt's number.

As soon as he got it, he typed it into his own phone and walked out of the room. Nobody will hurt his son, and if he has to do some threatening, he can live with that.

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