Chapter Sixteen

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Another dangerous intruder drill during third period.

It was all going well, until everyone heard a gunshot.

Blaine freaked out, and about three people had to restrain him. He knew that the gunshot had meant to hit Kurt. He needed to see that it missed.

It had to have missed.

Everyone in Kurt's class at the time stared in shock as their ears rang.

Kurt had been fearlessly arguing with the man who had set out to kill him.

Then he got shot. Blood was everywhere.

And he kept arguing.

David almost vomited, hating seeing blood. Everyone felt nauseous, except Wes. Nobody knew why.

When the man left, and Kurt mumbled 'coward,' the realized he didn't even know he had been shot.

He collapsed soon after.

The teacher immediately called an ambulance.

The second he heard sirens, Blaine burst out of the room. The teacher screamed after him.

It didn't even pop into his mind that the sirens could be police. That he was threatening his life for nothing.

All that ran through his thoughts was 'ambulance, ambulance, ambulance, ambulance.'

He made it to Kurt's classroom and immediately wished he hadn't. Kurt lay in the center of the room, collapsed. There was blood everywhere, Kurt himself in a pool of it.

Blaine ran over to Kurt. His mind stopped working. He didn't hear the teacher calling him to stop. He didn't hear anything.

He just ran over to the love of his life, futilely pushing the stands of hair out of his eyes. Wiping blood off his face. "Kurt, Kurt, wake up." He mumbled, shaking his head.

He took Kurt's head in his hands. "Wake up, Kurt." Tears fell on Kurt, washing blood off his face. "Kurt, wake up!" He sobbed.

He was shaking too badly. He pressed his forehead to Kurt's, not caring about getting messy, and cried harder than he ever had. His pleas for Kurt to wake up turned into unintelligible sobbing.

He was too numb to notice when the medics came. When they pulled him off of Kurt. He crumpled on the floor, unable to stop crying.

He may have stayed there for hours, or minutes. He lost track of everything.

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