Chapter Eleven

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Kurt had his headphones plugged in, finishing unpacking in his new dorm. It was strange, how well the song summed up his situation. The students at Dalton had started guessing who the escaped prisoner was after; they hadn't gotten it right yet.

The bell rings and he unplugs his headphones, heading to first period. He can't help constantly looking over his shoulder, something he hasn't done since he moved to Dalton and thought he was safe.

Now he's doubting whether he'll ever be safe.

His teacher starts off the class with a few announcements. "Most importantly, students are not allowed to leave the Dalton campus until further notice."

A student raises his hand. "Why?"

"I'm sure most of you have heard about the escaped prisoner. It's unsafe to be outside while he's out there."

"So it's true? He's after a student?" Another boy asks.

"I'm afraid it's not my place to-" The teacher is cut off by an alarm sounding.

Everyone's eyes widen. It's the dangerous intruder bell.

The teacher follows the procedures, and the students scurry to hide.

Kurt's breathing becomes extremely fast as he panics. Dalton is supposed to be safe.

A rapid knocking sounds at the door. A few students gasp and Kurt curls up into the fetal position against the wall, wishing he could escape.

"I know you're in there!" A gruff voice calls.

Kurt whimpers, burying his face in his knees.

There are more bangs at the door. Seeing it's not going to open, the man growls. "I'll be back. I'll have my revenge, if it's the last thing I do. You're dead, little faggot. Dead, you hear me?"

There's a sound of retreating footsteps, the room unnaturally silent except for whimpers.

Kurt's shaking uncontrollably, tears cascading down his face. He shouldn't be doing this, he's putting everyone in danger.

Several others students are crying and trembling, so he doesn't look too out of place.

Eventually the police come, giving them the all-clear. The other students move from their places, but Kurt stays where he is.

"Everyone, head to your dorms and stay there. Class is canceled." The teacher instructs. Everyone rushes off, except Kurt and Nick.

"Mr. Hummel? Did you hear me?" The teacher asks.

Kurt nods shakily, keeping his head down.

"Kurt, come on." Nick says softly, gently pulling him up. Kurt stumbles, and Nick hooks an arm around him, not trusting him to walk on his own.

Nick helps him out of the room and to their dorm. They're halfway up the steps when Blaine runs up to them. "Kurt! Is he okay?" He frantically asks Nick.

"'M fine, Blaine." Kurt mumbles weakly.

Blaine still looks worried. "Are you sure? You can't walk."

"Just... mild panic attack." Kurt says faintly.

"Mild? Kurt, you were practically convulsing." Nick corrects gently. He turns to Blaine. "The intruder knocked on our door. He kept asking for someone, saying he knew they were in there and that he was going to-"

Nick cut himself off, wrapping his arm tightly around Kurt, who had just fainted. "Little help here?"

Blaine went to Kurt's other side, helping Nick carry him to their dorm. Kurt came to almost right after they got there, and Blaine gently set him on the bed, supporting his back. "Kurt? Are you okay?"

"I just- I don't do well with things like this. I'm terrified, Blaine." He half-whispered, leaning on him.

"You'll be okay, Kurt. I'll make sure you are. Dalton will keep us all safe, including whoever he's after." Blaine reassured him.

"I hope so." Kurt mumbled, falling asleep for the first time in days in Blaine's embrace. It made him feel safe, able to let his guard down for a bit.

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