Chapter Twelve

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"This just in. The man recently reached Dalton Academy, breaking in and causing them to go into a lockdown. Sources report that he knocked on one door only, stating that he knew that someone was in there and threatening him. Eventually he left, only after threatening the boy's life."

The headmaster turned off the report, sighing as he turned to the teachers who had gathered there. "This is a mess! Why Dalton?"

"An earlier report stated that he broke out for revenge, it must be on one of the Dalton students." A teacher explained.

"The students will figure it out soon enough, the man used the f-word so they've figured that it has to be a gay student in that class. Most suspect Nicholas Duval, as he has a boyfriend here."

"So does the transfer."

"Or they could just be referring to the fact that this is an all-boys school. Most think all the students are gay."

"They aren't wrong, I saw Mongomery and Thompson kissing in abandoned classroom the other day. You know, the two straightest students here?"

"Why don't we just ask the students in that class who he's after? I mean, whoever he's targeting obviously knows."

"That's a good idea. Collect the students, please." The headmaster said, glad they were getting somewhere.

The teachers left and as the students arrived, the headmaster spoke to them one by one.

Eventually Nick walked in.

"Okay, I'm going to come out and ask it since everyone suspects it; Is it you?"

Nick shook his head. "Unless I don't know. And I think I'd know."

The headmaster questioned a few more people. He was out of patience, knowing someone was lying, by the time the last student walked in.

"Am- am I in trouble, sir?" The boy asked quietly, trembling slightly as he sat down.

"No. I'm calling in all the students in the the first period class the man attacked if they know who he's after. I don't suppose you know, do you?"

"What would you do if you found out who it was?" He asked.

The headmaster gained interest again. "Do you know who it is?"

"What would you do to them?" The boy pressed.

"Keep them safe. Ask why the man is after them."

The boy took a breath. "Before I came to Dalton, I had a boyfriend. His father didn't approve of me, he tried to break us up. It's kind of why I transferred."

"Where is this going?" The headmaster interrupted.

The boy looked up at him, his expression unreadable. "My boyfriend's name was Chandler Keihl."

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