Chapter Eighteen

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It was midnight when they finally got news. A nurse walked out into the waiting room, and Blaine, Finn, Burt, and Carole immediately ran up to her.

The nurse looked at all of them. "Um, relation?"

"I'm his father, this is his stepmother and stepbrother."

"Soulmate." The word slipped out before Blaine even thought of it, but he couldn't have said anything truer.

"Um, I need an actual relation."


The nurse sighed. "A mean a legitimate relation."

"Boyfriend. He is my boyfriend. I am his boyfriend. We are dating." Blaine said the last sentence slowly.

"Look, kid, if you're just going to fool around, then-"

"Then you are going to reveal that this nurse is fired." A man walked up behind the nurse, taking the clipboard.

She looked at him. "Sir, this boy is-"

"In a relationship with our patient. And you are fired." He did jazz hands for emphasis.

She scoffed slightly. "Sir, does he look like a girl to you?"

The man clasped his hands together. "Ah, the wonders of a gay relationship. No, he does not look like a girl to me. That's the point- they're both guys!"

"I don't think you understand-"

"I understand that you are going to get your homophobic ass out of my hospital! See, I don't know if you noticed, but I work here."

She scowled. "I'd like to talk to your superiors."

He grinned. "Perfect! I'll call the manager of hospitals in Westerville. I'm sure my husband would give you a completely different answer than I would!"

There was a silence, where the nurse's face flushed red and he stared her down.

"Right, this is fantastic and all, but I'm kinda really stressed to find out what's going on here." Blaine said.

She scowled. "Fine. I don't work for f*ggots anyway."

Blaine took a step back from her, offended. Just as she was about to reach the door, he spoke up. "Hey miss?"

She looked back. Before she could ask what he wanted, he flipped her off.

The first time he's ever flipped someone off, it's a homophobic nurse.

She looked as offended as he felt by the f-word and left, slamming the door behind her.

He turned back to the man, who grinned at him before checking the papers. "Alright, good news. They got the bullet out; it hit just above his left hip and didn't permanently damage anything important. He should probably stay off his leg for a bit while it heals. He's resting now, but he'll be fine."

Blaine relaxed for what felt like the first time in forever. Kurt would be fine.

The others who had waited with Blaine felt relieved. They could hear what was going on in the silence, and saw Blaine's muscles become less tense.

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