Chapter Three

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The next week, Kurt had gotten much quieter. He spoke around Chandler, immediately agreeing with everything he said and complimenting him, trying to keep him as happy as he could.

Finn walked into glee club one day, seeing that Mr. Schue wasn't there yet, and stood in front of the class.

"Guys, I need to talk to you about something."

"Kurt?" Rachel asked.

Finn nodded. "So you guys have noticed him acting strangely too, then?"

"Who hasn't?" Santana scoffed.

"Should you, like, spy or something? Like watch him without him knowing, to see if anything happens?" Sam suggested.

Finn looked to Rachel. "How about it?"

Rachel nodded. "Yes. For Kurt, I'll spy. It won't look weird if we walk around together, too."

"Wait, you're his brother, won't he be on edge around you?" Tina asked.

Finn thought for a moment. "Good point. Can you and Mike do it? Nobody would ever accuse you of spying."

Mike raised an eyebrow and exchanged a look with Tina. Mhm, there's totally no racists that would accuse them of spying.

"You know what I mean, Kurt wouldn't. You two are unassuming, whereas I, being his brother, am always suspicious."

"We can do it, I guess." Tina said, and Mike nodded.

"Yes! Report back to use tomorrow." Finn cheered. Everyone's spirits were a bit lightened by knowing that they were on the track to helping Kurt.


After glee club, Kurt went to Chandler's locker.

"Hi Chan!" He said with false cheer.

"Hey Kurt! I was wondering, do you want to go to the Lima Bean?"

"Sure, sounds great!" Kurt quickly answered, not really in the mood for coffee.

Kurt drove them to the Lima Bean, and insisted Chandler that he pay for the drinks. Chandler pouted. "But you always pay, I want to treat you to something this time!"

Kurt, immediately noticing that Chandler wasn't happy, panicked. "Um, if you really want to, I'm not stopping you. If it makes you happy." He said quickly.

Chandler smiled, and Kurt's panic faded. He was happy.

They sat down at a table, and unbeknownst to them, Tina and Mike sat just out of eyesight but still in earshot.

"So, are you excited for the weekend?" Kurt asked, trying to make conversation.

Chandler frowned. "Not really. My aunt's coming over, I don't like her that much."

"Oh, Chan, I'm sorry for bringing it up, I didn't mean to make you upset." Kurt apologized quickly.

Chandler laughed. "Kurt, I'm not upset. A little unhappy that she's coming over, but not upset."

"But you can't be unhappy! I'm your boyfriend, it's my joy to keep you happy." Kurt said, panicking.

Chandler just chuckled again. "Kurt, it's perfectly fine if either of us are unhappy. What's important is that we're there for each other."

Kurt shook his head. "I can't let you be unhappy."

Kurt's phone buzzed, and Kurt looked at it.

Unknown Number
You've gotten it in his mind that he can be unhappy. I'm coming for you. I know where you are.
I'm always watching.

Kurt paled, breathing heavily and looking around frantically. "He's coming. I-I can't, he's c-coming." He whispered nervously.

"Kurt? What's wrong?" Chandler asked worriedly.

Kurt looked at him, fear in his eyes, before collapsing.

Mike and Tina heard, rushing over. Tina called an ambulance and they quickly came.

Tina grabbed Kurt's phone at the last second, figuring he might want it.

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