Chapter Five

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Kurt asked his father if he could transfer schools, unable to look Chandler in the eyes after what happened. He was mad at Kurt for his father going to prison.

His father agreed, of course, wanting Kurt to be happy.

So here he was, his first day at his new school, nervous as hell. He was at a boarding school in Westerville, as it was far away from the Kiehls and had a zero-tolerance harassment policy. Kurt had changed his phone number, just in case.

He walked to his class, hoping he wouldn't cause too much of a disruption.

He reached to door and took a deep breath before knocking.

"Come in." A voice said. He gently pushed open the door, walking into the classroom.

"Hello. I'm the new student, Kurt Hummel." He said, trying to keep his nerves out of his voice. He straightened his back, trying to seem confident.

The teacher smiled. "Ah, Mr. Hummel. Welcome to Dalton. You can take a seat next to Mr. Anderson." He gestured to a boy with dark hair that was gelled back.

Kurt walked to the desk, smiling at the boy. He winked back before looking to the teacher, startling Kurt slightly.

After a while the class ended and the boy next to Kurt turned to him. "My name's Blaine Anderson. It's nice to meet you."

Kurt shook his hand, still a bit on edge at his new school. "Pleasure."

"Well, would you like some help getting around? You came just in time for dinner, I'd be happy to show you there." Blaine stood up and offered his hand to the boy.

Kurt packed up his books, standing without the boy's help. "That would be great, thank you."

Blaine smirked at Kurt's refusal to let him help him, leading the way down the hall.

"So, I'm supposed to be getting a new roommate in my dorm today. I wonder who it is?" He asked sarcastically.

Kurt laughed. "At least you can show me the way. I don't know how to get around this school, it's giant. If the staircases start moving like Hogwarts, I'm leaving."

Blaine shook his head, chuckling. "That would be fantastic. Sadly, this isn't a magical school. Just an extremely gay one." He winked at Kurt again as he said this.

Kurt determinedly looked forwards, ignoring the boy checking him out. "I suppose that's good to know. Right now I'm more concerned with settling in here than having a relationship."

If the boy got his hint, he didn't show it. Luckily they reached the dining hall before he could reply.

He led Kurt over to a table in the middle of the room. He attempted to take his hand but Kurt quickly evaded his grasp, holding his wrist with his other hand. Blaine laughed slightly, seeming to find this amusing.

"Well, this is the table that all the Warblers sit at. You're welcome to join us, being my roommate and all."

Kurt nodded. "Thank you."

They reached the table and Blaine cleared his throat. "Boys, this is Kurt Hummel, my new roommate."

Kurt smiled, giving off an air of casual grace while hiding how absolutely terrified he actually was. "Nice to meet you all."

"Can you sing?" A boy asked curiously.

"I was in my old school's glee club." Kurt answered nonchalantly. "We won Nationals."

"You should audition for the Warblers. It's Dalton's show choir. If your voice is as beautiful as you, we're in for a treat." Blaine said, winking at him.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "I'm going to ignore the flirtatious undertones of that and take you up on that audition."

Blaine laughed with the others. There was just something about a boy that plays hard-to-get.

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