Chapter Eight

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Kurt was minorly- well, majorly- freaking out when he reached Blaine's house. He was going to meet his parents! What if they disapproved? What if they hated him? What if this relationship was just a repeat of his last one?

He took a deep breath and knocked on the front door before he backed out of this.

The door opened, revealing a smiling Blaine. Glad he wasn't greeted by his father or something, Kurt smiled back.

"You made it!" Blaine exclaimed, hugging him.

"I wouldn't miss it." Kurt replied, hiding his nerves.

Blaine took his hand, leading him into the hall. "Come on, you must be freezing."

"It's a bit chilly." Kurt agreed, stepping inside to the warm house. Blaine hung up his coat and showed him inside.

They entered the kitchen, where a kind-looking woman with Blaine's hair and eyes was stirring a pot of something on the stove.

"Mom, this is Kurt." Blaine said cheerfully.

The woman turned to them, smiling kindly and outstretching her hand to Kurt. "It's nice to put a face to the name I keep hearing about."

Kurt smiled, shaking her hand. "It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Anderson."

She waved her hand dismissively. "Oh please, none of that 'Mrs.' and 'Ma'am' nonsense. You can call me Pam, I was given the name for a reason." Her voice lilted as she joked.

Kurt chuckled nervously with Blaine and his mother. He was panicking again; where was Blaine's father?

As if answering his question, the sound of the front door opening traveled to the kitchen.

"Oh, that must be your father." Pam said, looking to the doorway expectantly. "Harry?" She called.

Kurt's anxiety was growing. He wanted time to speed up so this could be over, but at the same time he wanted it to stop so he wouldn't have to deal with this again.

"Nope, it's me." A man about college age walked into the kitchen, grinning. "Had to get home for the weekend to see Squirt's boyfriend."

Blaine groaned. "I swear, if you embarrass me-"

"I'm your brother, what do you think I'm going to do?" The man turned to Kurt. "You must be Kurt, right? I'm Cooper."

Kurt smiled nervously, shaking his hand. "Yes, I'm Kurt. It's nice to meet you."

"I see you've already picked up the Dalton charm. I draw a line if you call me 'sir.' If you need to call me something professional, make it 'Professor X' or something. It sounds cool."

Kurt chuckled, taking a liking to him already. "Cooper is fine."

"Dang it, I liked Professor X. Maybe Professor C, for Cooper."

They all laughed, Kurt relaxing even more but not letting his guard down. He had almost forgotten about Blaine's father- until the front door opened again.

"I'm home!" A voice called.

Kurt tensed up, knowing he was moments away from meeting Mr. Anderson.

It was terrifying.

"We're in the kitchen!" Blaine called back.

Kurt's breathing sped up a bit and Mr. Anderson walked into the kitchen.

He had lighter brown hair, like Cooper's, and bright blue eyes. As Blaine was spitting image of his mother, Cooper was that of his father.

He was also tall- both of Blaine's parents were reasonably tall, Kurt would be wondering how Blaine got to be so short if he wasn't freaking out.

Mr. Anderson smiled. "You must be Kurt."

Kurt shook his hand, trying to hide that his own was trembling. "That would be me. It's nice to meet you, sir."

Mr. Anderson laughed. "You needn't call me 'sir.' 'Harry' is just fine."

Kurt nodded, not trusting his voice. He'd never actually met Chandler's dad- he couldn't recognize any warning signs.

Well shit. Thinking about Chandler wasn't doing him any good.

Soon they sat down for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson at the heads of the table, Kurt and Blaine on one side and Cooper on the other.

"So, Kurt, tell us a bit about yourself." Pam said kindly as they passed around the serving plates.

"Um, well, I go to Dalton, as you probably know. I transferred a bit ago. I was in the glee club at my old school, it was the highlight of my day."

"Why'd you transfer?" Cooper asked.

Kurt winced. He knew this question was coming. "Um, it's a bit of a long story. I don't really like to talk about it. It kinda had to do with me being the only out gay kid at my school." He lied.

"Blaine said you had a boyfriend before him?" Cooper questioned.

"Um, he was bisexual." Kurt answered quietly, hating thinking about what had happened.

"Why did you two break up?" Mr. Anderson asked.

"Guys, stop interrogating him." Blaine interrupted, seeing that Kurt's uncomfortable.

Kurt looked over to him. "It's okay, Blaine. They're curious." He looked down at his plate, unable to meet Mr. Anderson's eyes. "Um, we broke up because his father didn't exactly approve of me."

"Why not?" Mr. Anderson pressed. He needed to know if this boy was good enough for his son.

"I wish I knew." Kurt answered softly.

After the meal was over, Kurt headed back to Dalton. Well, he got into his car and drove over to the next block before parking again so he could stop shaking.

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