Chapter Seventeen

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"Mr. Hudson?" The teacher asked.

Finn looked up from his test abruptly. "My eyes were on my own sheet!"

"No, it appears you're leaving for the day. An emergency." She told him.

Finn frowned, packing up his things. He handed the half-finished test to his teacher. "I'll, um, finish that tomorrow."

"Tomorrow's a Saturday, Mr. Hudson!" She said as he left.

"Monday, then!" He called back, rushing to the office.

His mom was there waiting for him, tearstained cheeks. He ran up to her. "Mom, what's wrong?"

She shook her head. "We have to go. It- it's Kurt. Burt already left."

Finn felt a sinking feeling as he followed her to the car. "What's wrong with Kurt?"

"You know how his ex-boyfriend's father escaped prison? Apparently he's broken into their school multiple times, but Kurt neglected to tell us. This time... well, he had a gun."

Finn didn't even know the full story and started crying as well. "He didn't..." He said faintly.

"We don't know anything yet. Burt should."

When they made it to the hospital and sat in the waiting room, there were a few kids from Kurt's new school there. A blonde had a wet towel and was cleaning something off another's forehead.

The other, Finn realized, had to be Kurt's boyfriend. He hadn't met him, but he looked the most distraught and had unruly curls. Well, parts of his hair were gelled down.

As Finn watched, the boy swatted away the blonde's hand. "Would you quit it, Jeff?"

Jeff promptly quit. "Sorry. It's dried now, it's harder to get off."

Finn realized it was blood on his forehead.

"Why anyone would hug a corpse is beyond me..." One of them mumbled. Apparently they didn't think anyone heard them, but the boy with curly hair turned to him.

"He is not a corpse!" He exclaimed shrilly.

The other boy seemed to panic. "I didn't mean it that way-"

"Then don't say it! He fainted. Just fainted."

Jeff put his hand on the boy's arm. "Blaine, you know-"

"I don't want to hear it. He just fainted. He'll be fine. They would have told us if it was different than that." He said stubbornly.

Jeff shared a look with a dark-haired boy and sighed, resting his head on his shoulder.

A hispanic boy also sighed, getting up out of his chair. He got on his knees in front of Blaine, putting his hands on Blaine's head so they were making eye contact.

"Look at me. Blaine. It's not sunshine and rainbows right now-"

"I don't want to hear it, Thad."

"Of fucking course you don't want to hear it, that's why I'm telling you it. Kurt got shot. You know that, I know that, that teenager who's staring at us knows it. Hey, I didn't say to look at him. Look me in the eyes as I tell you this. People heal. It happens. People get hurt. It happens. People die. It happens. Some people aren't the same after they heal. But I need you to promise me, that whatever happens with this, you won't blame yourself."

Blaine didn't say anything.

"I can see it in your eyes. You already think it's you fault. You couldn't have done anything. Believe it or not, you're a teenager, Blaine. You don't have control over things like this. Hell, nobody has control over things like this. Promise me you won't make this like Sadie Hawkins. It wasn't your fault then, it isn't your fault now."

Blaine sighed. "Fine."

"Promise me."

"I promise."

"And what are you promising?"

"I promise that I won't blame myself for what happens to Kurt. No matter what happens." Blaine's voice broke on the last sentence, and Thad hugged him. His tears started up again.

"I'm not going to tell you he's fine. I'm not going to lie. But he will be fine. Eventually. I know it."

Blaine nodded, holding onto Thad like he was a life raft. He needed to hear that.

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