Chapter Six

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Kurt was already feeling much lighter. Dalton was so different from McKinley, and he loved it. There was also the comfort of knowing that Chandler's father was behind bars, unable to hurt or threaten anyone. All in all, it was fantastic.

Though he wasn't over Chandler, he couldn't deny that he enjoyed Blaine's attention a bit. He tried not to lead him on, letting him know he definitely wasn't ready for a relationship right now, but it actually felt quite nice.

"You're staring."

Kurt blinked, being pulled out of his thoughts. His eyes had drifted away from his book as he was thinking, and Blaine was returning his gaze with a smug expression.

"Sorry, I was caught up in my thoughts. It's much different here than my old school." Kurt explained.

"You were staring at me. Did I happen to come in to your thoughts at some point?"

Kurt blushed slightly, looking away. "I mean, I was thinking about Dalton and you're my roommate. How could you not?"

"You're blushing." Blaine pointed out, smirking.

Kurt sighed, looking back to him. "Blaine, look, you're very sweet, but I'm not looking for a relationship. I'm actually kind of getting over a breakup, and I need to settle in to Dalton before I even think about that."

"Well, tell me when you consider it." Blaine smiled, no hint of flirtation behind it. "Until then, do you want to go to the Lima Bean tomorrow morning? As friends, of course. We're roommates, we have to be at least that."

Kurt returned his smile. "Yeah, I'd love to."

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