Chapter Fourteen

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After the school was secured and they were let out of class, Blaine went to find Kurt. He was talking to Wes, David, and tow boys Blaine didn't know the name of.

"Kurt? Are you okay?" He asked, vividly remembering when Kurt had fainted last time this happened.

Kurt smiled at him, taking his hand. "You should have seen it, babe. Wes threw a stapler at him."

Rather than being amused, Blaine's eyes widened in concern. "You saw him? He was in your room?"

"We're all fine, Blaine." Kurt said soothingly. "He didn't do anything."

"He was banging on the door, and he managed to get it open. Wes the idiot over here, thinking he was invincible, knocked his gun out of his hands with a stapler just as it fired, the bullet hit the ground." David filled him in.

"Hey, would you prefer I let him put a bullet in Kurt's head?" Wes asked defensively.

"I'd prefer you didn't get yourself in situations w-"

"A bullet in who's head?!" Blaine half-shrieked. Kurt dropped his hand like it was lava. "He was aiming for Kurt? I swear, if he ever gets in my classroom I'll do a lot worse than throwing a stapler at him." He muttered angrily.

Kurt backed away from Blaine slowly, afraid of the murderous look in his eyes.

"I will find out if he does anything. He had better watch his back." He snarled.

Kurt cried out in fear, the text screen flashing before his eyes.

Unknown Number
I will find out if you do anything. Watch your back.

He backed away further, shaking his head. "No, no, no, no..." He mumbled, eyes wide in horror.

Blaine immediately forgot how mad he was, rushing over to Kurt. "Kurt are you o-"

He was cut off by Kurt shoving him away, looking terrified. Tears were running down his face. The impact of shoving Blaine away and knocked Kurt to the ground, as he hadn't been eating. He pulled his legs up to his chest, burying his face in his knees.

What he said next broke Blaine's heart even more. "Please, please don't hurt me." His voice was muffled and tearful.

"Kurt, I- I'd never hurt you." Blaine said, not understanding what's going on.

One of the two boys Blaine didn't know walked up to Kurt, who flinched away. "Hey, Kurt. You're okay. He's not going to hurt you, he just lost his temper." He said soothingly.

"The-the words... He said..." Kurt mumbled.

"What did he say?"

Kurt pulled out his phone, showing him the texts. Particularly the one Blaine had quoted.

"Oh." He said softly. That was it. "Oh."

"What is it?" Blaine asked desperately, hating seeing Kurt like this.

The boy swallowed. "Um, Blaine, you should have a look at this text message Kurt received."

"I- I would, but I don't want to freak Kurt out, he doesn't seem to want me near him." Blaine replied, hating that the words were true. He was not taking any chances.

"Well, I'll read it. 'Unknown Number: I will find out if you do anything. Watch your back.' And you said..."

"'I will find out if he does anything. He had better watch his back.'" The other boy Blaine didn't know finished. Kurt whimpered.

"Oh god..." Blaine mumbled, before speaking to Kurt. "Kurt, I am so, so sorry. I didn't mean to sound like... whoever that is. I'd never hurt you, that wasn't me. It's just a nasty coincidence."

Kurt nodded, head still buried in his knees. "I know it wasn't you. I know who it was. You just freaked me out a bit." He said softly.

"Who was it?"

"Take a guess." The boy Blaine still didn't know said dryly.

"It's a really long story." Kurt said, standing up. He hesitated before hugging Blaine like his life depended on it. Blaine gently wrapped his arms around him, wanting him to be able to break away with ease if he needed to.

"I'm here if you want to tell me."

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