Chapter Four

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Kurt blinked blearily, waking up. He remembered what had happened, and panicked.

He sat up, looking around the room. His father and Finn were sitting in chairs by his bed.

"Kurt?" His dad asked gently.

Kurt turned to him. "Why am I here?"

"You passed out. That girl-"

"Tina." Finn interrupted.

"-panicked and called an ambulance. It's a good thing too. Kurt, they said you've been starving yourself. And..." Burt trailed off, pointing to Kurt's arms, unable to say it.

"I haven't been starving myself. I try, I try to eat, but I can't keep anything down." Kurt said honestly.

Burt cleared his throat. "Also, that, Tina I believe, picked up your phone from when you collapsed. It was still unlocked from when you were looking at it, and she kept it unlocked until I could look at it."

Kurt looked down at the covers nervously. "Um, I suppose my texts were still open, weren't they?"

"Kurt, why didn't you tell me?" His dad asked, sounding heartbroken.

"I didn't want them to hurt you. They wouldn't hesitate."

"Who is it?" Burt asked.

Kurt shook his head. "I don't know. Probably one of Chandler's friends, or someone who has a crush on him." He lied. "Can I change my phone number so they can't text me anymore?"

Burt nodded. "That's smart. You're also transferring schools. McKinley isn't safe for you before they're caught. Your new school is in Westerville."

"I mean... at least I'll be safe." Kurt said glumly, not arguing.

"Oh, Kurt, the glee club wants to see you." Finn said.

"Okay. You can let them in."

Finn nodded and left the room, returning with the glee club.

"Um, thank you, Mike, Tina." Kurt said quietly when the couple walked in.

They couldn't answer, as Santana spoke up. "What the hell, Kurt?! Death threats?! Why didn't you tell us?!"

Kurt flinched at her yelling. "I didn't tell you because he would hurt anyone close to me." He whispered, looking ashamed.

"He?" His father asked sharply. "Kurt, I thought you said you didn't know who it was?"

Kurt shook his head, his eyes wide in fear.

"Kurt, we can get them put in jail if you know who it is. They can't hurt you." Finn said gently.

"But if I told you who it was, it would hurt someone close to them and I don't want to do that."

"Kurt, hasn't it occurred to you that they might hurt them?" Burt told him gently.

Kurt looked panicked. "They wouldn't! Would they? Oh god, I can't." He buried his head in his hands. "What if they already have? I thought they were trying to protect him..."

Kurt looked up, looking directly in his father's eyes. "It was Mr. Kiehl. Chandler's dad. Keep Chandler safe for me." He whispered brokenly.

The others were in shock, but it made so much sense. Who else would be that protective over Chandler, besides one of his parents?

"Thank you, Kurt. We can make sure he never hurts anyone else since you told us."

"I don't really care about anyone else, just make sure Chandler's safe." Kurt whispered, tears falling down his face.

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