Chapter Nine

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"He's very sweet." Mrs. Anderson commented as they were cleaning up from dinner.

"That was the most nervous I've ever seen him." Blaine said.

Mr. Anderson frowned slightly. "I don't know. His ex boyfriend's father disapproved of him enough to make them break up."

"I personally cannot understand that. He's super shy and sweet, he has a great personality. He always tries to keep everyone happy, almost to a fault. You should see him when he's more relaxed."

"He seems nice. I approve, Squirt." Cooper chimed in from the other room, where he was watching TV. "Oh hey, check this out. Some dude escaped prison." He added, a bit quieter as he returned to the TV.

"His ex-boyfriend's father is obviously insane." Blaine said. "Kurt's the purest person on this planet."

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