Chapter Thirteen

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The atmosphere at Dalton was extremely tense, especially since they discovered that the man had been banging on the door with a gun from the dents in it.

Though Kurt was most terrified of all, the other students were the most scared they'd ever been in their life. Most couples refused to even leave each other's side.

Kurt was in his third-period class the next day when the alarm sounded again. They all ran to their spots in fear, Kurt already shaking and verging on a panic attack.

There was the sound of footsteps nearing them, and Kurt hated it, he hated how unsafe people felt because of him.

"I don't wanna die, David." Wes mumbled, burying his face in the crook of David's neck.

"Hey, you'll be okay, They aren't after us." David whispered soothingly, wrapping his arms around him although he looked equally terrified.

"But who knows who they'll hurt to get to who they are after?"

Kurt didn't think of that. He wouldn't hurt anyone else, would he?

The footsteps got even closer. "Open up, I know you're in there." The voice growled.

Kurt whimpered, shaking even more violently.

There was the sound of banging on the door.

Except, unlike last time, the door flew open.

Kurt's eyes widened in shock as Mr. Keihl appeared in the doorway. He was more furious than Kurt had ever seen him.

"You." He laughed unnervingly. "You think you can get away with that? There are consequences." He lifted his gun, aiming for Kurt's head. Luckily nobody else could tell where it was pointed.

"Large consequences."

Just as he pulled the trigger, a stapler hit the gun and knocked it out of his hands. The bullet shot into the wall, away from the students.

He growled. "Who threw that?!"

Everyone stayed silent. He raised a hand and pointed towards Kurt. "I'll be back. You won't forget your actions."

He left the room, leaving the students in shock as they heard his retreating footsteps.

Kurt curled up into the fetal position, crying his eyes out. He tried to stay quiet, but he had no control of his actions anymore. He wasn't the only one crying, so he didn't draw too much attention to himself. Eventually the all-clear came, and a few people stayed behind while most rushed off.

"I can't believe you threw a stapler at the man who was trying to kill someone. A stapler." David said incredulously.

"Someone had to do something." Wes shrugged.

David shook his head. "You're insane, Montgomery."

"We need to find out who it is." A boy stated. "We can, like, form a huddle around them so he can't get to him."

Another boy seemed to remember something. "Oh! I did a bit of research on this Keihl guy. It turns out he has a son; since he called whoever he's after an f-word, what if they dated his son?"

"What's his son's name?" The first boy asked.

"Um, I think it was Chandler."

At the boy's words, Kurt tried to conceal his reaction but he hardly could. He squeaked, burying his face into his knees.

"Kurt, you okay?" Wes, who had heard him, asked.

Kurt shook his head. "D-don't... t-talk ab-about him." He mumbled in fright. It was one thing to say his name, it was another to think it, but it was completely different and worse to hear someone else say it. It made it so much more real.

The boys stared at Kurt in shock. "It's you, isn't it?" One half-whispered.

The words seemed to rush out of Kurt before he could stop them. "He went to my old school, I dated him. His father disapproved of me, he send me threatening messages, telling me not to hurt him or let him be unhappy. He cornered me at school one day and beat me. I went home and he followed me, the texted me saying he saw me. He knocked on the door and eventually he left. I kept getting the threats, and one day I was at a coffee shop with him and I accidentally brought up something that upset him. I tried to backtrack, to keep him happy, but he said that it's perfectly fine for either of us to be unhappy as long as we're there for each other. His father heard, he texted me, saying that he was coming for me. I passed out out of fear, my father made me say who was sending me the texts since it was so bad. I was worried of him hurting him, so I told him. He was furious with me since his father went to jail, I couldn't look him in the eye so I transferred. Now he's escaped, and he's after me, and I'm putting everyone in danger." Kurt was out of tears, he was terrified and absolutely hating himself for putting everyone in this position.

The boys were in a shocked silence after he finished.

"N-now I'm dating Blaine, but I'm broken, so broken, and I know he'll hurt Blaine, and I'm terrified, and I met Blaine's parents and I'm sure they hate me and-" One of the boys cut off Kurt, hugging him.

"Hey. You're okay, man. We won't let him get to you."

Kurt hugged back, his walls crumbling. "T-thank you. Y-you can't tell Blaine, I don't want to worry him."

"I mean, personally I disagree with that, but it's your choice." The other boy said. "Connor, by the way."

"Tyler." The first boy said, breaking away from Kurt.

"I'm Kurt."

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