Chapter Ten

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Kurt was in his dorm when the door opened. He jumped, immediately looking towards it.

Seeing a smiling Blaine walk in, he relaxed marginally. "Hi, Blaine." He said softly.

"Hey, Kurt! How was your weekend?" Blaine asked.

Kurt shrugged. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Blaine walked over and gave Kurt a short kiss, too quick to notice how tense he was.

"Oh, we have to switch dorms. You know that old rule about boyfriends not being able to room together?"

Blaine groaned. "I forgot about that. Who're we rooming with?"

"Actually, believe it or not, you're with Jeff and I'm with Nick."

"Hey, that's better than it could be. I'm starving, we should get down to lunch." Blaine added.

"I've already eaten, but I'll head down with you." Kurt lied. He hadn't eaten, but his appetite had been ruined.


On their way back from lunch, Kurt and Blaine saw the others watching something.

"Hey, whatcha watching?" Blaine asked, sitting down next to Jeff.

"News report, some dude es-"

"Shut up, Jeff, they're talking." Thad interrupted.

The reporter was sitting at a desk, a picture of an article edited onto the screen beside her. "-say that he was a reason for escaping, he had repeatedly spoken about getting revenge on someone who's name will remain anonymous for safety reasons. He was last sighted right outside Westerville, which appears to be his final destination. The question is, will authorities get to him before he reaches his target? And what are his intentions?"

The picture of the article was replaced with a mug shot. "If you see this man, please call the hotline." She listed a phone number, and the report ended.

"That is terrifying." Wes commented, summing up their thoughts.

"What does he want with Westerville? It's practically the middle of nowhere, the only thing here is Dalton." Nick wondered.

Wes's eyes widened. "You don't think he's after a student, is he?"

"That's actually really likely." Jeff said slowly, nodding. "It would explain the police cars that were here this weekend."

"Who do you think he's after?" Nick asked worriedly.

Looking around at each other, they knew they were all thinking the same thing.

They didn't know.

And that was the scariest part of all.

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