Chapter Two

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When Kurt woke up, he noticed that he had a text on his phone. He looked at it, confused.

Unknown Number
Hurt Chandler, and you will pay. I will find out if you do anything. Watch your back.

Kurt's blood ran cold. He'd never hurt Chandler! Who would threaten him?

He shook it off, getting ready for school. It's probably nothing.


As Kurt was heading to sixth period he heard yelling. He immediately ran towards it, seeing some jocks beating a kid up. He stopped them, pulling them off of him and landing a few good punches before turning to the boy.

"Hey, are yo- Oh my god, Chandler!" He cut himself off, rushing over to console his boyfriend.

He gently caressed his boyfriend's cheek, which had a large bruise forming on it. "I'm so sorry, I should have heard earlier." Kurt apologized, tears falling down his face.

"Kurt, you saved me. There's no way you could have done anything else." Chandler said.

Kurt wiped his tears away. "You shouldn't be comforting me, I should be comforting you. Let's get you home to ice that."

Kurt helped Chandler go to the nurse to get an ice pack before she called his parents. His dad came to pick him up, and saw Kurt waiting there.

"Chandler, is this Kurt?" He asked.

Chandler nodded, blushing.

"Well, nice to meet you, Kurt." His father said, shaking Kurt's hand. He had a strong grip, and Kurt felt like something in his hand broke but he didn't show it.

Kurt was heading back to his class with a late pass from the nurse when he ran into Chandler's father. "Oh, hello. Did Chandler forget something in his locker?"

"No, I forgot to do something." The man said nonchalantly. He put a hand over Kurt's mouth, dragging him into the bathroom. "Never hurt Chandler. I will find you and kill you. Understand?" He growled menacingly.

Kurt nodded, eyes wide with fear. The man punched him multiple times before leaving.

Kurt shakily propped himself up on the wall, wondering what just happened. He texted his dad, saying he wasn't feeling well and headed home. If anyone asked, he'd lie and say that he had gotten beaten up by the jocks while saving Chandler.

When he got home, he iced his bruises, specifically the one on his face.

Unknown Number
I do mean it. Hurt him, and I will kill you. I know where you are.

Kurt froze, knowing that the texts weren't from some kid that couldn't do anything.

They were from an adult. Someone who could actually act on their words.

With a sickening feeling, Kurt peered out the drapes. There, in a black car in the street, was Chandler's father. His phone buzzed again.

Unknown Number
I see you.

Kurt ran down to the basement, curling up in his sewing room out of fright. He heard a knock on the door, tensing up and hoping the man would leave him alone.

Unknown Number
I'll return.

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