So here I am sitting on the the floor of my old bed room, crying my eyes out over the boy that I used to love and the boy that I love now. Right now your probably wondering how I got into this position, so let's start from the beginning.
My name is Evvie Mena I'm 16 years old. I live in Los Angeles California with my mom and my brother Carlos. ( I know he has a sister but let's just pretend he doesn't) I have been in a serious relationship for almost 2 years with my boyfriend Alex Guzman. Our relationship has been mostly on and off again but we always end up back together. ( I know the boys don't live close to each other but let's just pretend for this story) Usually we break up because of stupid little things like rumors, not giving or having enough attention and never being able to let anything that has happened in the past go. But the biggest reason is that Alex likes to break up with me to be with a girl that he feels is better than me. He always ends up coming back and begging for my forgiveness and I always give it to him.
At this point Alex and I are broke up, and just like every time I am heartbroken. This time especially because it was for another girl, yes I know it's not the first time he has done this but it still hurts like it is the first time. Oh and to make it even worse he broke up with me over text message.
It's been 3 hours since Alex broke up with me and I'm still crying in my room. My mom has cheeked on me 2 times already and I feel like she is going to come check on me again. Just then my mom opens the door, I looked up at her and I saw her face was full of anger and sorrow. " mi dulce niña no quiero que llores nunca más o ese chico" ( my sweet little girl i don't want you to cry anymore over that boy ) she said " mamá no entiendes lo que estoy pasando" ( mom you don't understand what i am going through ) I replied. " I don't understand" she said raising her voice a little bit. "No you don't understand the pain that I'm in" I said yelling at her because I know she couldn't understand the pain that I am in. " Entiendo el dolor en el que te encuentras porque estás en él casi cada dos semanas debido a ese niño" ( I do understand the pain that you are in because you are in it almost every two weeks because of that boy) My mom was now yelling at I'm in full Spanish. "él se marcha y te rompe el corazón y luego lo perdonas, entonces sucede una y otra vez" ( he goes off and breaks your heart and then you forgive him then it happens over and over again) I was listening to what she was saying and it was true. I do let Alex break my heart over and over like it's nothing. I don't know why I keep letting him do this to me, but I do. I get brought out of my thoughts by my mom apologizing to me. " Evvie I'm sorry for yelling at you it's just that fact that I don't want to see you getting walked all over anymore" she said with a sad tone. I know mom and I'm not going to get walked on anymore this is the last time that I'm going to let Alex break my heart. I said back to my mom. She walked over to me and hugged me. She whispered in my ear you deserve so much better than him. As she said that a tear ran down my face because the words she was saying were true. After we separated from our hug she told me that she was going to start making dinner then left my room.
As soon as my mom left then room I get a call from one of my good friends Christopher.
Call: Chris= Christopher E= Evvie
E: hello
Chris: hey Evvie I heard that you and that piece of trash Alex broke up I wanted to make sure your ok
E: yeah I'm ok now after my mom and I talked but at first I was heartbroken
Chris: well I'm glad your ok now
E: aww thanks
Chris: I just wanted to make sure your ok you know your one of my closest friends even if that ex boyfriend of yours didn't want us to be friends
E: yeah I know and you are one of mine too I really want to start hanging out with you again
Chris: oh for sure why don't we hang out today or something
E: umm sure why not, you should come over and we could hang out
Chris: all right I'll be there in like 15
E: ok I'll see you then bye
END OF CALLAfter I hung up the phone I went down to the kitchen where my mom was and told her that Christopher was going to come over. She said it was fine but he had to leave by 10:30pm it was only about 6:30pm so that would give us about 4 hours to hang out.

The fake boyfriend
FanficJust a story about a girl that is in love with two people at the same time. she also goes through a lot of problems, like having amnesia and being in a coma. Read to find out if she picks her on and off boyfriend of two years that has a past of chea...