It was my mom, she did this to me! I am so pissed off right now. I didn't know what to do at this point. I am so upset, I just lost control and just screamed. I sat in the middle of the kitchen floor and cried. Carlos can running down the stairs, he got on the floor next to me and tried to comfort me. I didn't want to be touched, looked at or talked to. I separated myself from him, got up and ran to my room. I heard him follow me up the stairs, I hurried up and shut my door along with locking it. I put my back against the door and slide down till my but was on the floor. I put my head back and a tear slide down my face. Carlos tried talking to me but I wasn't in the mood to talk. My hole life is falling apart because of my mom. After an hour I told Carlos I just wanted to be alone and he got up and walked away. I didn't want to be alone but I didn't want to be with anyone at the same time. I don't think I have ever felt this way in my life, I take my head off the door and put it between my knees. I close my eyes to try and calm down but the exact opposite happened. I got a flash back.
( I'm just making this up for the story I hope this has never happened to anyone reading the story )
( Flash back )
I had my head between my knees trying to rap myself around every thing that just happened. All I wanted was a drink from the kitchen, I didn't want to walk down stairs and head my mom and dad fighting. My mom she's a teacher at our local college. She happened to stay up late grading her students test, when he walked in. My dad came home at 2:34 AM he was drunk and smelled so badly of weed. The smell was so bad I could smell it from the kitchen. My mom was worried she asked where my dad had been, he just said out. That answer was not good enough for my mom so she asked again. He responded with something that I never wanted to here in my life. " I was out fucking my assistant" My heart dropped I just heard my dad tell my mom he is cheating on her. I could tell my mom was in shock when I was looking into the dining room from the kitchen. They started getting into a fight they were both screaming and I was scared. I started crying I didn't know what to do so I ran and hid in the cabinet under the sink. They were in a really bad fight and I remember my mom telling him " you know what this family does need you, we have been doing fine on our own this far so you can take your ring and get out of my house". She kicked him out of the house after the door such I ran upstairs as fast as I could. I got into my room and shut the door and looked it. My mom ran up to my room and tried to get in but I didn't let her. She tried talking to me but I didn't listen. I cried more then I ever have before I put my head between my knees and cried.
( End of flash back )
After that I remember everything about my dad the good time like when he taught me how to ride a bike, and how her took me to my first concert and how he was there when I need him the most. But I also remember the bad times like when he would come home drunk, and when he got so angry at me he threw a picture at me and I need to get stitches, oh and the worst one is when he gave me and Carlos and invite to his wedding. He was getting married to the girl that helped him rip my family apart.
After remembering all the things about my dad I felt even worse I just wanted to be held and happy. I picked up my phone and was about to call the one person I wanted to be with right now there was a nick at my door. I didn't answer the door but then I heard there voice. "Evvie it's me please let me in Carlos said he is really worried please open the door". I didn't want to open the door but he always puts a smile on my face so I had to I open the door to be met with a worried looking......——————————————————————————
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The fake boyfriend
FanfictionJust a story about a girl that is in love with two people at the same time. she also goes through a lot of problems, like having amnesia and being in a coma. Read to find out if she picks her on and off boyfriend of two years that has a past of chea...