Just a story about a girl that is in love with two people at the same time. she also goes through a lot of problems, like having amnesia and being in a coma. Read to find out if she picks her on and off boyfriend of two years that has a past of chea...
She picked up my milk (that's what we get at my school if you get something different then you can use that) and dumb it all over me. I was so pissed of. "perra no estoy tomando tu mierda más" ( bitch I'm not taking your shit anymore) I stood up and cooked her right in the face, she soon hit the ground. That bitch was nocked out on the ground. There was a crowd around Becky and I was quickly taken to the principals office. I wasn't thinking of what my punishment meant would be at the time, but I know it was going to be bad. I sat in his office for 15 minutes before he Called me in.
"Evvie So what happened today at lunch" "Becky came up to me being rude as always then poured my milk all over me then I punched her in the face" "Well why did she pour milk on you?" "I honestly don't know she just doesn't like me" "Well you probably did something to provoke her so she would do that" "But I didn't" "Then why would she do that" "I don't know that's what I'm trying to tell you" "Well you had no reason to put your hands on her" "What she poured milk all over me" "I'm done with this argument you are suspended for 2 weeks out of school. I will be calling your mom to come get you." "If I may ask what is Becky's punishment going to be" "Well because she did nothing wrong she doesn't get a punishment" (This is how it is at my school let me know if it's like this at your school) I was so possessed off I can't believe that she is getting no punishment.
He called my mom then told me to go get my things. When I went to my locker Gio was in the hall. "So what's your punishment?" She asked "2 weeks of out of school" I told him. I was looking at him and noticed his eyes were funny and red. "Hey were you crying" I asked him "What no I wasn't crying" he said hiding his face "Yeah you were what happened" I said concerned. Even if I don't know him I still feel bad for people when I cry. I put my hand on his shoulder for comfort. "I just got send a picture of Becky with some guy that she's been seeing for the past week and a half behind my back" "That's terrible I know what it's like to be cheated on and it sucks but it gets better. And anyway your problem much better looking then this random guy she is hooking up with." "Yeah your right she's not even cute like my hair is much better then his. And he is short and has braces. My jaw is mush sharper then his. He looked like he doesn't even have a jaw line." I started to laugh at him describe this person. "Ok now you have to show me this picture because I want to see this guy"
I wait for him to pull up the picture and when he did I was shocked at the picture.
I knew 100% that that boy was Alex when I saw it. "I know you can't really see the guy but I got another picture and this is him."
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Tears were falling down my face. "Why are you crying" he asked me confused " I'm crying because that's the guy that gave me this." I said as I took my ring off. He looked shocked he pulled me into a hug I didn't hug back but I didn't pull away. After we had a long hug I asked him if he could email me the picture so that I had proof of this when I see Alex next. He said he would I have him my email then went to the office to wait for my mom.