Just a story about a girl that is in love with two people at the same time. she also goes through a lot of problems, like having amnesia and being in a coma. Read to find out if she picks her on and off boyfriend of two years that has a past of chea...
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" what do you have a room at your dads house" Alex asked me. "Because I stay here sometimes" I said back to him. "I thought your family hated your dad" " Yeah my family dose hate my dad but I don't. So sometimes when my mom and I would get into big fights I would call my dad and have him come get me. Sometimes I would tell my mom I was staying at a friends house but I was coming here" " It sounds like you love and trust your dad" "Oh I do but I don't act like it in front of my mom and stuff. She would just lose her shit." I say as I walk over to my dresser and pull out some pajamas.
"You can sleep in P's bed and I'll sleep in mine ok. P's bed is the pink one" I said. " Who is P" Alex asked me "P is my dads new wife Emily's daughter" "ok" I walked over to the tv and turned it on, something random came on and I just left it. I walked over to Alex and kissed him. "I love you, goodnight" I turns off the lights and walked over to my bed. I laid down and fell asleep to the thought of me and Alex getting married.
( Evvie's dream) Play the song
I was in a Field of flowers laying on the ground. I stood up and saw Alex across the field and I ran to him. I jumped and rapped my legs around him when he caught me. He kissed me and fireworks went off behind us. The day turned to night and we were laying in the field looking at the stars. I pointed out some stars that looked like a heart. When I looked over at him he was on one knee with a ring in his hands. I kissed him and the night turned to day. When we separated from the kiss we walked down The aisle. We had just gotten married, he kissed my forehead and the wedding aisle turned to a hospital. I was holding a baby in my arms and Alex just kissed my forehead. I looked down at my baby then back at him. He kissed the baby's head, then we were at a graduation and Alex kissed our grown child's head. Our kid threw there cap up into the air. That took me to rice being thrown in the air at your kids wedding. I looked over at Alex and saw him crying that transitioned to our baby having a baby and Alex crying. He kissed me and that took me back to the field that the dream started in. We were dancing and in love. We were running around in the field the sun was shining on us so perfectly. We started slow dancing my head was on his shoulder and my arms were around his neck. I picked my head up and looked him in the eyes. He smiled and so did I. He Mouthed the words I Love You. Then it started raining the most beautiful rain. We started running in the rain, we were soaking wet. We stopped at the end of the field and he moved my hair out of my face, then kissed me. Then the rain stopped and a rainbow grew in the sky, it was the most beautiful one that I have ever seen.