Just a story about a girl that is in love with two people at the same time. she also goes through a lot of problems, like having amnesia and being in a coma. Read to find out if she picks her on and off boyfriend of two years that has a past of chea...
Authors note This chapter is going to go back a little bit into the last chapter but in Christopher's POV _________________________________ Christopher's POV I pulled into Evvie's drive way and there Alex was sitting in his car. I parked next to him and got out I walked over to the passenger side and opens the door for Evvie it get out of the car. When she got out of the car Alex got out of his. I watched him walk over to her as I grabbed some of her bags out of my car and put them into her house. When I walked back outside I saw the he was way to close to her, I walked up to them and got in between them. My face was towards Alex and my back was to Evvie, I felt Evvie put her and on my shoulder to let me know she is ok with what is happening. Alex and I started talking. Christopher: why are you here Alex: I'm here to talk to Evvie Christopher: she doesn't want to talk to Alex: but I want to talk to here Christopher: it doesn't matter what you want, she doesn't want to talk to you or have anything to do with you so get your ass back into your car and go home. Alex: I will leave after I talk with you Evvie ( He said looking over my shoulder at Evvie) Christopher: honestly your being pathetic Alex: how am I being pathetic Christopher: your chasing after a girl that doesn't even want you. You know what let me change that your STALKING a girl that doesn't want you. Alex: I'm not stocking her and I'm chasing her because I love her and she loves me Christopher: she doesn't love you Alex: oh she doesn't love me then why has she told me she loves me 46 times. You wouldnt know if she loved me or not you weren't even in her live when we dated. Christopher: I wasn't in her life because of you Alex: oh because of me then why are you in her life now? I'm still in her life so you can get out of my girlfriends like! Christopher: she's not your girlfriend, she's mine!
I could tell that that hurt him a lot but he needs to get out of her life.
Alex's POV
Alex: Evvie is that true Christopher: Yeah it's true Alex: I wasn't talking to you I was talking to Evvie. Evvie are you and him really dating? Evvie: yes, we are dating Alex: you have to fucking kidding me, after everything that we have been through you go and date the person you know I hate. Christopher: she's not dating the person you hate she is just dating the person that is a much better man then you.
After Evvie said that she was dating him I was crushed and heartbroken. I didn't what to be here and I didn't want to keep this conversation going. I just walked away and got into my car and drove home. After I left her drive way and drove down the street I started to cry. I don't really cry about anything but I love Evvie and she knows what has happened between us was something so special, we both know I have messed up a lot but I still love her and I know deep down she still loves me.
Evvie's POV He left and I was happy he actually thinks Christopher and I are dating. I didn't think he would believe it but he did, now I just hope he will stop trying to get back together with me. As soon as he stops trying I hope we can be friends, because I don't want him out of my life completely.
Christopher and I grabbed the rest of the bags that were in the car and brought them inside the house. When we walked in Christopher grabbed the bags he had previously brought into the house and we took them upstairs. I started putting all of my new clothes away I got 15 new shirts, 12 pairs of jeans, 11 pairs or leggings and 6 pairs of new shoes. I know what your thinking that's a lot of new clothes but I don't really like going shopping, so I get as much as I can when I go so that I don't have to go back. After I put away all of my clothes I looked at the time it was only 2:40pm, I started talking to Christopher about this "Relationship". I told him that I think there should be rules to this relationship and he agreed. So I got out a pice of paper and started thinking of rules. ____________________________________ Mena & Romero Relationship Contract
• No telling anyone that this relationship is fake • Ride to and home from school together • We have to go to all parts together or meet up there • No PDA • Only 3 kisses on the lips a week • Go to Romero's baseball game • NO SEX
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After we both signed the contract I folded it into 4's and put in the drawer on my bed side table.