Just a story about a girl that is in love with two people at the same time. she also goes through a lot of problems, like having amnesia and being in a coma. Read to find out if she picks her on and off boyfriend of two years that has a past of chea...
When I woke up I was so happy, I looked over to see Alex still sleeping. I had to go to the bathroom so I got up and went. After I was done in the bathroom I heard some crying. I walked to where it was, it was at my little brother and sisters room.
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My little brother was the one crying. I walked over to him and picked him up, I could tell he had a dirty diaper so I walked over to the changing table and changed him. "There you go Hunter nice and clean" I said tickling him. I heard aspen getting fussy so I put hunter back in his crib and got aspen from hers. I went and changed her diaper then picked her up and walked over to hunter and got him to. I took them both downstairs and put them in there high chairs.
I wanted to get some cereal so I got some along with some applesauce for them. When I was eating my cereal I was feeding them there applesauce.
Alex's POV
I woke up and Evvie wasn't in her bed. I was looking for her. I walked downstairs and saw her with 2 babies. She looked just like a mom and that put such a big smile on my face. I walked over to her and kissed her on the head. " Who are these to cuties" I asked "This is hunter and this is aspen" she said as she was feeding them. " how old are they" " They are 8 months old" she said smile and taking them out of there are chairs. She took one out and handed her to me. I have only held one baby and that was my brother so it's kinda weird to hold someone else's baby. She then took out the other baby and we took them into the living room. Evvie put the baby on the ground and turned on the tv. She put on Mickey Mouse for them to watch. " Don't you just love babies" " Yeah they are cute" I said to her. As we were talking someone came down the stairs.
Evvie's POV
"Hey Emily" Evvie side " Hey Evvie thanks for getting the babies up for me" she said " of your welcome" she walked into the living room. " Who is this" she asked me " this is Alex he is my boy- fian" I looked over at him wondering what he was. I'm not sure if he is my boyfriend or my fiancé. " I'm her fiancé Alex" he said reaching out his hand to shake hers. "Sorry your her what" Emily asked a little confused. "I'm her fiancé" Alex said with a smile. " Evvie your moms ok with this" she asked me " Oh she has no idea and we don't plan on telling her." " So let me get this straight. You tow got engaged then came here so you didn't have to tell your mom" Emily said "Oh no this is what happened. I ran away with him last night. Then I said we should get married he agreed and then we came here. So that's what happened."
"Dose your dad know that you two are engaged" " no he just thinks we are dating, but we really need him to give us written consent so we can get married." "You two want to get married now?" "Yes, and I know your problem thinking your crazy but we aren't. We know that we want to be together for the rest of our lives, we want to grow old together and we know if we get married that no one can break us apart." "So you two are getting married because of true love. That is so amazing. I will help you if you need anything" " Thanks Emily but there is one thing. We need some where to live. We can't live at my moms or his moms we have no were. I was wondering if we could live here." I said as I looked between Alex and Emily " You two can live her for as long as you want. You can help me with the babies and keep me company during the day or go to school what ever you guys want to do." I got up and hugged her then Alex.