"I don't know if they are ready for this change especially after everything that has gone on with Evvie" I heard my mom tell someone on the phone.
"I know you want to meet my family and you will soon just not right now." She said to the person on the other side of the phone.
"Ok baby I have to go to take Evvie to school I'll talk to you later."she said.
When she said baby I gasped and covered my mouth. My mom has a boyfriend and she's not telling the family I thought to myself. My mom walked around the corner and stopped in her tracks when she saw me.
"How long have you been standing there?" She asked me as she scratch the back of her neck.
"Long enough to know that you are seeing someone and the only reason that you don't want him to meet the family is me." I told her with attitude in my voice and I crossed my arms.
"Ok I am seeing someone but you are not why I don't want him to meet the family." My mom said as she moved a piece of my hair behind my ear.
"Then please tell me why you don't want him to meet us." I told her raising an eyebrow.
She was silent she couldn't come up with anything. I rolled my eyes and turned around and walked out off the house. She followed me to the car and we both got in. She started to take me to school, then she brought up the conversation again.
"Evvie your not the reason why." She said looking at the road
"Then tell me why." I said as I looked out the window.
"It's pretty complicated" she tried telling me
"Yeah I'm sure it is" I said sarcastically and looked at her
"If you really want to know I don't want him to meet all of you yet because if he does that means that this relationship is very serious and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that" she yelled at me as she took her eyes off the road and was looking at me.
The next thing I know the car was flipping. When it stopped everything was blurry. The last thing I heard was sirens then I blacked out.
When I woke up I was in a way to familiar hospital room. I had wires and tubes all connected to my body. I had a pounding headache. I looked to my right and saw my mom laying in the bed next to me. She was in the same condition I was. Her neck was in a brace and she wasn't up.
I had to go to the bathroom really bad but when I tried to get up all the wires and stuff were stopping me. I rolled my eyes and tried looking for the call nurse button. I found it and pressed it.
"Hi what is the problem or what do you need?" The lady in the other side said.
"I really need to go to the bathroom but I can't get out of my bed without things pulling and tugging." I told her.
"Ok I'm sending a nurse to your room right now." She said.
"Thanks" I told her back before the call was over.
I probably wait about 5 minutes until someone came to my room. She help me get unconnected to almost everything then. Then she took me to the little bathroom that is in the room. She waited outside of the room for me, when I was done she helped me back into my bed.
"Since your awake I'm going to have the doctor come in here, is that ok?" She asked me
"Yeah that's fine." I told her trying to get comfortable on the bed.
"He will probably be a while because of how Busy it is but it won't be more then an hour." She told me walking to the door.
"Ok, oh hey were is the remote I kinda want to put on the tv." I told her struggling to find the remote.
She saw it and walked it over to me.
I probably have been waiting her for 45 minuets and the doctor finally comes in.

The fake boyfriend
FanfictionJust a story about a girl that is in love with two people at the same time. she also goes through a lot of problems, like having amnesia and being in a coma. Read to find out if she picks her on and off boyfriend of two years that has a past of chea...