The doctor came in and started saying things that I have no idea what they mean.
"Doctor I'm sorry but I don't know what any of that means. Can you say it in a way I could understand please?" I said to the doctor as I scratched the back of my neck.
"Oh ok yeah, you have a minor concussion that's the worst thing you have. Every thing else is fine. Oh and your baby is fine also, good thing." The doctor was telling me with a smile on his face.
I didn't comprehend what he said at first until he walked over to my mom.
"My what?" I kinda yelled.
"Your baby." The doctor said
"You must have me confused I'm not pregnant." I rolled him with attitude in my voice.
"The tests said you were but we would be happy to do another test." She said doing some test on my mom.
"Yeah do another test because I am 100% positive that I am not pregnant!" I yelled and crossed my arms.
"Ok I will be right back then you can take the test." He said walking out of the room.
He came back about 15 minutes later he gave me a cup to pee in.
"I just peed I can't go again." I told him
"I'll get you some water." He walked out of the room to get me water.
The nurse I had before came back into the room. She had a water in her hands and brought it to me.
"Drink this then call the nurses station when you have to pee." She gave me the directions and I nodded my head.
I drank the water after a while I had to pee. I called the nurses station and the nurse came back. I peed in the cup then she took it for testing.
It's been almost two hours and nothing. I'm starting to worry now. What if I am pregnant, the baby would be Alex's, he is not ready to be a dad, I'm not ready to be a mom.
"Evvie" I turned my head and saw my mom called my name.
"Yeah mom" I said
"Where are we" she said looking around
"The hospital we got into a car accident" I told her
She took a breath then turned away. I called the nurses station and told them that my mom was away. The doctor came into the room and went right to my mom.
"So you have a concussion and you sprained your neck. You need to not move a lot when in the neck brace. Last thing I have good news your baby is fine." He told her
I looked over and saw that her eyes were bugging out of her head.
"What baby I'm not pregnant" she told the doctor.
"We can take another test if you want but the one we have said your pregnant." The doctor told her.
She did another test and now we are both sitting here waiting for the results. I have been waiting for like 3 hours the doctor finally come back with the results.
"Well that was faster then I thought" my mom said.
I looked at her.
"Well this isn't for you it's actually your daughters results." The doctor tolled my mom.
I looked at my mom and her eyes were popping out of her head. I gulped and took a deep breath.
"So what your saying is that those test results are to see if my daughter is pregnant and not me!" My mom yelled
"Yes" The doctor said as he looked at me and opened the envelope.
I could see my mom looking at me burning a hole in me.
"Mrs.Mena right here it says that you are 100% positive for being pregnant. Congratulations your having a baby." The doctor told me showing me the paper.
I covered my mouth and started crying. This can't be happening I have sex like 2 times and now I'm pregnant. The doctor left the room and now it is just me and my mom. I turned my head to look at her she was so angry.
"No puedo creer que salgas y tengas sexo. No puedo creer que estuviera desprotegido. Sabes que arruinaste tu vida correctamente. ahora tu vas tienes que abandonar la escuela." (I can not believe you go out and have sex. I can not believe I was unprotected. You know that you ruined your life correctly. Now you have to leave school.) she yelled at me.
"No lo hice a propósito, no fui y dije que me dejara embarazada. Im 17 adolescentes tienen relaciones sexuales." ( I did not do it on purpose, I did not go and I said to get pregnant. Im 17 teenagers have sex.) I told her.
"espero más de ti. Sé que has hecho algo con lo que no estoy contento, pero pensé que esperarías. ahora nunca vas a encontrar un buen hombre." (I expect more from you. I know you've done something I'm not happy with, but I thought you'd wait. Now you will never find a good man.) she was really mad.
"Yeah mom I get it I'm such a screw up and you want me to be this girl that sits a home and study's all day everyday. You want me to have all A's and be this perfect person. I'm not perfect you need to except that I have." I told my mom as a tear rolled down my face.

The fake boyfriend
FanficJust a story about a girl that is in love with two people at the same time. she also goes through a lot of problems, like having amnesia and being in a coma. Read to find out if she picks her on and off boyfriend of two years that has a past of chea...