Christopher's POV
Every one left right after Carlos said she moved. I was the only one that believed him. I didn't go with them to eat because I didn't want to leave her alone. I took this as my time to talk to her because it was only me. I had no time limit and I didn't have to feel like anyone was going to judge me. I haven left her side once, because if she movies or wakes up I want to be the first person to see her. I love this girl, even if we have only been dating for 3 weeks I have known her since I was 7 and she was 6. I love her and I want to tell her when she is awake but she might not wake up so I better just tell her now.
" Evvie it Christopher again your probably getting tired of hearing my voice it you can even hear me. I have been sitting here for the last 3 days waiting for you to wake up or move, or just for you to do anything. I haven't left your side from the time I saw you on the floor till a minute ago when I left for your grandparents. I have something really important to say and I really hope you are listening or can hear me so that I'm not just talking to myself. If you can hear me show me a sign of some sort."
Evvie's POV
I could hear everything and I was trying to talk back but no one could hear me. When Christopher asked me to show him a sign I hade no idea how. I can't control my body to move or talk and they can't see it here me so what could I do to show him a sign? I couldn't think of anything but I tried so hard. I felt that he grabbed my hand and held it in his. He put my hand to his mouth and kissed it. I could feel my cheeks getting hot and I was blushing. I looked at my body and there was nothing then I looked at the Machine that was showing my heart rate. It suddenly went up up high and stayed like that then down to how it was before. I think Christopher took that as a sign and started talking to me again
Christopher's POV
Her heart went up when I asked for a sign, she gave me a sign, she is listening to me. I thought to myself, I grabbed her hand with both of mine and held it Fermily. " Evvie I love you. No I'm in love with you. I have known since I was 10 years old and you were 9. When you were on the play ground after school and I was at baseball practice. Those 2 girls come up to you at the end of practice and they pushed you off the swing. You fell really hard on your arm, and I ran up to you and picked you up bridal style and took you home. Your mom ended up taking you to the hospital and I never left your side. Then when you found out you broke your arm you let me be the first one to sign your cast. After that day I knew you were the girl that I am supposed to be with. I love you Evvie with everything in me and even if you don't feel the same way it's ok. I just hope to one day hear you say that you are in love with me two. Evvie please wake up, please." I was crying so hard at this point, I put her hand back on the bed. I didn't have any energy in my body. I put my head in my hands and tears fell from my closed eyes. I just want the girl that I am in love with to be able to tell me the way she feels about me. I just want her to be out of this pain and I want her family to be out of this pain. Another tear fell down my face, I felt someone put there hand on my shoulder in support. I did t know Who it was so I turned up to look at them and it was.......

The fake boyfriend
FanfictionJust a story about a girl that is in love with two people at the same time. she also goes through a lot of problems, like having amnesia and being in a coma. Read to find out if she picks her on and off boyfriend of two years that has a past of chea...