Chapter 22

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I wake up to the soothing sound of birds chirping. I open my eyes and let the sunlight fill them. Sam is already up, and she opened the window. I like it like this.

"Morning sleeping beauty," Sam says and throws a pillow at my face. She sounds mad.

"What's wrong?" I ask sounding very concerned.

"I'm just jealous about you and Nash. I wish Taylor would go to the trouble and send me good morning texts and planning the perfect dates," Sam finishes.

"Don't be jealous. Taylor loves you so much it's just harder for him to show it. But trust me he'll come around. They always do," I say with a smirk on my face. Sam starts laughing and that makes me laugh. Her laugh is contagious.

"Well we are doing a cleaning day today," Sam says

"Okay," I say in reply and something keeps bugging me. I need to tell Sam sooner rather than later.


It seems like Brooke is hiding something from me. Like she just needs to get something off her chest.

"Hey is everything okay," I ask Brooke and concern fills my voice.

"Yeah I just need to ask you something,"

"Hit me," I say

"Well I don't think I have ever told you this but I have always wanted to become youtube famous. Like lately I have been thinking more and more about it. Like I want to save peoples lives. It should be you and me with our own channel. Also I don't want people thinking that we are just dating the boys for fame. Like I want them to know that we are our own people and our lives are boring," Brooke says and I am just soaking it all in like a sponge.

"Well I mean that sounds like a lot of fun. But we don't have a camera. Also if we did get a camera I think we would be pretty entertaining," I say

"Well there is no need for getting a camera. Courtney has one that she never uses and it is great quality. I just don't know where it is. I bet we will find it while were cleaning though," Brooke says and I nod my head.

I start picking up clothes and so does Brooke.


I can't get my head out of this youtube thing. I really think that this could happen. I want to save peoples lives and make people happy.

I separate my clothes into dirty and clean piles. Then I fold and hang all my clean clothes and put the dirty clothes in a hamper.

Now I take all my shoes and put them in my closet on the ground along the wall that is straight ahead when you walk in.

I pick up all the clothes on the ground of the closet. They are all dirty so I throw them in the hamper. Soon after that I bring up the dirty clothes hamper. I walk into the laundry room and stuff my dirty clothes into the washing machine. Then I start it and walk back down stairs.

While I am walking down I grab the vacuum. There was something next to the vacuum. It was the camera! I bring the vacuum and the camera downstairs. Once I entered mine and Sam's room, I made my bed. My bed was on the left side of the room, farthest from the window.

I unravel the vacuum cord and find an outlet. I plug it into the wall and vacuum the whole room. Meanwhile Sam is cleaning the bathroom. We both finish around the same time.

Both of us grabbed our phones from our chargers and walked upstairs. Courtney was done cleaning and was on her phone. She was talking to someone.

She ended it with 'okay I love you bye' I thought it was my mom but she doesn't have that higher tone in her voice when she talks to my mom.

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