Chapter 50

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Yesterday when Brooke and I were on the roof, it was just so perfect. I loved every second of it. When she told me why she loved me, I didn't know what to say. I was speechless.

I knew she loved me, but I didn't know why, because she's so perfect and I'm not. She deserves someone perfect just like her, but I am so happy and blessed to be able to call her mine.

Ah her last check up is today for her leg. I hope she is cleared so she can go back to playing soccer.

I check my phone and go onto my calendar. We should leave in about an hour. I'm gonna wake Brooke up.


I woke up by Nash shaking me. My last appointment is today. Yes! I'm so excited! When I get cleared I'm playing soccer. I'm bringing my ball in the car.

"Nash, when I get cleared we are going straight to the fields!" I say excitedly.

"Okay take it easy tiger," Nash giggles.

"Alright alright. I'm just really anxious to get back out there ya know."

"I know."

"Nash I'm gonna go get ready now," I say and walk to Nash's room to take a shower. When I get out of the shower, I change into a pair of adidas shorts, and my Labor Day Weekend Tournament shirt.

The I pull my hair into a messy bun, and put in some purple pre-wrap. I put in my fake diamond earings and grab a pair of calf socks.

My terf shoes are at Courtney's, so I'll just wear my tennis shoes. When I put my shoes on, I grab my phone and walk upstairs.

Everyone is already up there, and Gilinskys spinning my ball on his finger.

"Let's roll!" I say while jumping up and down.

We all cram in Nash's car. Nash starts and I'm really nervous. What if my leg isn't better. I have been walking on it just fine and there is no pain whatsoever. I think I'll be fine.

Minutes later we pulled into my physical therapy place. Everyone stayed in the car except Nash. We checked in and got my physical therapist, Carrie, right away.

"Hey Brooke how are you?" she asks

"Great! How are you?"

"I'm doing good. So has there been any pain at all in your leg, hip, or foot?"

"None at all."

"Good. Have you been doing any physical activity?"

"Well with a soccer ball no, but just around I have been like jogging, not really running though."

"Okay so what I'm gonna do is we are gonna go through your stretches one more time and we will go outside and test your running."

"Okay sounds good."

"And who is this?" Carrie asks pulling her glasses to the edge of her nose, examining Nash.

"I'm here boyfriend, and I love her more then anything in the world," Nash's words make me smile like a fool.

"Oh. Well let's start this thing!" Carrie says with excitement. She begins moving my leg in all different directions and positions, frequently asking me if it hurts.

"We have finished the stretches and your all good in those, now all we have to do is test your running," Carrie says while sitting me up.

We all walk outside and Carrier starts, "Okay so your gonna jog to that wall and back." I do as she says.

"No pain at all," I say with a smile on my face.

"Good. Now go 50 percent there and jog back." Again I do as she asks and there is still no pain.

"Okay 75 percent there and jog back."

When I get back there is still no pain at all. I'm really excited!

"Okay last one and your free to go. Run as fast as you can there and back."

"Okay," I say and start to sprint. I quickly got back and no pain at all. I can finally play soccer again!

"Okay Brooke you are cleared to play again!" she says with excitement. I pull her into a hug because I'm that excited.

"Thank you so much Carrie!" I say and let go.

"It was no problem Brooke." We walk back inside to the front desk.

"Okay this was your last appointment and the total cost is 40 dollars," she says and Nash pays. I fell bad that Nash is always paying for everything, but the thing is, he doesn't let me pay. Not even for my own things, like groceries and stuff like that. Before we walk out I get an idea.

"Nash let's pretend that Carrie said I wasn't cured yet and I'll act all sad and things. It'll be funny."

"Okay whatever you say," Nash says sarcastically.

"Its a good idea now let's go," I say grabbing him and pulling him out.

We walk out like normal and when we approach the car I put an upset look on my face.

I open the car door and sigh just loud enough so the boys could hear me.

"So!?" Carter says loudly

"Well, um I have some bad news," I say and buckle my seatbelt. All the boys quiet down so I can talk.

"Well, the news is uh, that, uh, WE HAVE TO GO HOME AND GET MY INDOOR SHOES, BECAUSE WE'RE GOIN TO THE FIELDS!" I scream and all the boys start screaming with me.

Nash starts the drive the Courtney's. When we get there I just jump out and run in the house to grab my terf shoes. I run back out and into Nash's car.

"Ready?" Nash asks and I shake my head with excitement.

"Okay do you guys know where any fields are?" Nash asks as he starts the car. It's silent for a couple seconds then Gilinsky speaks up.

"I know where some are, and they're abandon like empty."

"How do you know that?" I ask

"Well I used to play in 3v3 tournaments and we played there. Like it was me and some of my older friends. Its an abandon horse track and it has actually really good grass. But there's a lot of dirt in some places but it'll work," he says and I shake my head.

Gilinsky leads Nash to the fields. I really can't wait for this. It seems like I haven't played in forever!


Thank you guys so much for 3.1k!!! I was literally crying when I found out!!

I love you guys so freaking much!

sotd- loyal by Chris Brown

peace! (PS I love you guys to heaven and back!)

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