Chapter 56

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I know it seems like I don't really care about the whole Lesly situation, but I actually like shat my pants. Brooke thinks she harmless but I know she's not. Hopefully she's just saying that stuff to scare us and break us up.

Good luck with that Lesly because Brooke is my anchor and my second half. I can't live without her. It's as almost, we are the same person. Like when she's upset, I'm upset and visa-versa. We determine each other's moods.

Brooke snapped me out of my thoughts by swinging her legs off the edge of the canyon. It looks like she lost interest because the sun is gone now- and she looks bored. I'm really bored and tired too. We have a long walk, might as well start as soon as we can.

"Can we go?" she asks and I shake my head yes. We both tiredly, slowly trudging our way down the steep hill. I am going to collapse and fall into a deep sleep any second now.


I am so fucking tired. All I want to do is sleep. Uggh.

Nash and I are slowly making our way back to Taylor's. I want to be somewhere in Nash's arms falling asleep right now. Well I guess you don't always get what you want.

After what seems like miles of walking, we finally reach Taylor's house. I tiredly opened the door while rubbing my red, blood shot eyes to death.

We walk in and the house is really quiet, for once. I guess everyone's already asleep. Nash and I just walk to the couch and start to cuddle, not even changed into comfier clothes.

Nash wraps a blanket around the two of us while pulling me by my waist into his chest. Our legs instantly tangled with each other's and within seconds we fell asleep in quietness.


I wake up and start to think to myself. I still need to take Nash out. This time I get to plan the date, I get to be the creative one for once.

All the thoughts of different places and different things to do run through my brain.

After about a couple minutes, I have the perfect idea! I squel in excitement and "accidentally" wake Nash up.

"Good morning sleeping beauty!" I say full of enthusiasm.

"Why are you so happy?" Nash asks with a small giggle.

"Well I mean I do get to take you out today and I may or may not have thought of the perfect date ever!" I squel.

"Well what are we doing!?" he asks. Ha, now its my turn.

"I'm not telling you, I guess you'll have to wait," I say twirling my hair around my finger.

"Ha ha, very funny," Nash says sarcastically.

"Yeah I know," I cockily say while Nash shakes his head at me.


I dont know if I like the whole idea of Brooke planning the date. But she seems really excited to do it so I want her to be happy and yeah. Like I'm the guy, I'm supposed to be doing the romantic things. Anyways, I wonder what we're gonna do.

In the meantime, I start to get ready for the day.

First, I quickly jump in and out of the shower. I brush my teeth and run a comb through my hair. God I need a haircut. My quiff used to be perfect but now my hairs so long and just ahhh.

When I'm finished with my hair problem, I put on some deodorant and pick out my clothes. My outfit of the day is my plaid red shirt with a white under shirt, khakis, and white Vans. I am finished getting ready and head upstairs to go get some food.

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