Chapter 55

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This has been happening frequenly, but I have never said something. This is the worst ever. My ex girlfriend, Lesly, has been threatening to kill Brooke. This is the hardest decision of my life. I need to keep Brooke safe, but I cant live without her.

My crying stops slowly until the point where I'm just sniffling. I pull away from mine and Brookes warm hug and take a deep breathe, in, and out.

"Okay well before I met you, I broke up with my old girlfriend Lesly. It was at the beginning of summer and when I met you, I thought you could take my mind off her. But you did so much more, your all I think about all day and every night and I never want to let you go or have to face the day you leave. I love you so much and I dont know what I would do without you. Well, when I was dating Lesly, I thought I loved her, but she is nothing compared to you. You make me so much happier then she ever did. You are my one and only true love. She has been harassing me with phone calls and texts from a blocked number. She is threating to, uh," my breathe hitched in my throat and I couldnt get the words out. Brooke nods her head telling me to continue.

"She is threatening to kill you," I say starting to cry hard. Her eyes go wide and I can see tears brimming in her eyes. Before her first tear could fall, I embrassed her into a giant hug.


Holy shit. I knew I had haters, I didnt know they actually wanted to kill me. I cant breath right now. This is terrible, the best summer in my life, just turned into the biggest fucked up thing in my life. Well my life is fucked up.

'Why though?" I manage to get the words out through all my crying.

"Because she wants to get back with me after she cheated on me with two different guys, probably just because I'm vine famous. She was the biggest slut and flirted with every guy she saw, even the fucking hobos! I just didnt notice it because I was in "love" with her," Nash says putting quotations around the word love. I start to cry even harder.

Do I have to break up with Nash just because this bitch wants to get back with Nash. I'm sorry but that aint happenin any time. I will fucking slay this bitch. If she thinks she can kill me, and Nash will just magically get back together with her, dis bitch fucked in da head. Ya know I think its funny how she thinks she can kill me, and then just get with Nash.

My crying abruptly stops and I start laughing. My laughing grows harder and harder. Nash looks at me and furrows his eyebrows.

"Oh I'm laughing because this bitch, thinks she can kill me, and the just date you again. Like what the fuck is she, stupid?" I laugh

"Brooke shes fucking crazy, like asylum crazy," Nash warns. Then I feel a buzzing in my pocket. I take out my phone and see a blocked number.

"This bitch ass mother fucker thinks they can just call me," I say and answer the phone. Nash looks at me disapointed. I have never seen his face expression like that, like ever.

"Hello," I say into the phone.

"You better back the fuck away from Nash because he's mine," she says and I put it on speaker.

"Oh really because I remember Nash telling me you banged every guy on the street even the hobos, like is this bitch for real," I say.

"Honey, Nash was with me before you, so I'd watch your back if I were you," she says evily. Seriouslly though, is she high or something?

"Okay, shut the fuck up before I throw a flaming brick up your ass. See ya bitch," I say and hang up. Nash looks at me worriedly.

"What, she's not gonna do anything," I say.

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