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*I don't any characters*

Loki sat starring at Thor. "What are you doing here?" Loki asked sounding upset. Frigga looked at her watch.

"I got to go boys, see you tonight Loki." Frigga grabbed her pursue and ran out the door.

"Why do you sound like you aren't happy to see me?" Thor asked sounding sad.

"Because I'm not happy to see you!" Loki stood up and put his plate in the sink.

"Why?" Thor asked following him to the kitchen. Loki gave him a 'why do you care look'

"Because you act like I don't exist anymore!" Loki shouted. Thor looked shocked. "Every day at school you ignore me and act like you don't know me!" Loki felt like he was going to cry. Tears stung his eyes as he held back tears.

"Loki," Thor looked down. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mea-" Loki interrupted him by slapping him across the face.

"Don't even apologize! Once we get to school you would leave me to go hang out with your Jock friends. And  then they would pick in me too. So just leave!" Loki pushed past Thor up to the front door. Thor followed and left. Loki closed it and locked the door. Thor was walking to his motorcycle and left. Loki began to walk to school.

With Thor*
Thor was on his motorcycle thinking of what Loki said. How could they hurt my friend? Thor clenched his teeth. How could I have hurt him? No wonder he hates me. Thor mentally hit himself. Once I get to school I will hang with Loki and hopefully get him to forgive me... Why have I been such a big asshole to him?

Thor x Loki: Struck By LightningWhere stories live. Discover now