Ch. 11

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                          *THIS WILL BE A NSFW! (LEMON WARNING!) my first one... might be really sucky!*

As Thor's lips made contact with Loki's neck, Frigga yelled. "I'm leaving for a bit. Bye boys!"

"Bye!" They yelled and they heard the front door shut.

"Now it is just the two of us.." Thor's eyes were filled with Lust. 

"Thor?" Loki looked nervoes. "i've never done it before..."

"Don't worry..." Thor brought his lips to Loki's and agve him a passionet kiss. "I'll be gentle." Loki nodded and Thor trailed his kisses to Loki's jawline. His hands made their way to the hem of Loki's shirt and took it off. His kisses trailed down to his chest. 

"T-Thor?" Loki turned red.

"What?" Thor stopped kissing him and looked him in the eyes.

"This is emberesing." Thor smiled.

"Do you not want to?"

"No I do... I'm just embarrassed..." Thor traced the very little Abbs Loki had.

"Don't," Thor flicked his Thumb over his nipple, earning a moan from Loki. "You are beautiful." Loki smiled and nodded d his head. Thor removed his shirt and attacked Loki's lips again. Loki kisses back right away. Thor began to tug on Loki's jeans and removed them. Leaving Loki almost complete naked.

"Ah!" Loki moaned as Thor sucked on his nipple. As Thor did that he removed Loki's underware and his pants and boxers. He took his fingers to Loki's entrance.
"Let me know if I hurt you." Loki nodded and Thor entered him. Thor froze when he felt Loki tense up. "You OK?" Loki nodded.
"Continue." Thor nodded and began to move in and out. After a while he added more fingers. Then he removed them and placed his member by Loki's enterence.
"It will hurt."
"IDK!" Thor nodded and pushed in. "THOR!" Loki moaned loudly. Thor began to thrust in and out when he felt Loki could take it.
"Loki!" Thor felt he was near his climax. Then Loki Cummed and so did Thor.
"That was fun." Loki smiled.
"Wait till tomorrow when you can't walk." Thor pulled out of him and laied down next to him. "Good night Love."
"Good night." And Loki fell asleep in his loves arms.

Wow.... Well here you go lovelies! A Lemon/ NSFW! Hope you enjoyed

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